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‘The Sincerest Forms of Life’
Five Minutes with A Fierce Young Mind
© 2016 James LaFond
I was out with my son at the Harford Mall, thirty miles north of the YoMZ, leaving the parking lot in his luxury sedan, and this professional, black woman was walking in front of him, with her menacing thirty-five-year old drone in tow, glaring this way and that, slowing while we waited, etc. Then he takes trash out of his pocket, holds it out for all of the white motorists waiting for him to see, in this pristine suburban place, and drops it on the asphalt, and struts on. My son was angry. I understand where the adult hoodrat was coming from. He’s trying to provoke a confrontation in order to express himself according to his only assigned social value, menace and aggression.
I say, “Do it, trash it up, burn it down!”
I always knew this world was screwed. I cannot wait for Western Civilization to fall. Like those Euros standing back while hundreds of Moslems rape their women. Then this sick system over here is next.
All of the sincerest forms of life have already been eradicated.
I try to do the right thing, support local businesses, give people a chance to do the right thing.
But the right thing doesn’t work within a sick system. I get ripped off every time, guaranteed. As a person who sees no sense in procreating in such a toxic environment, I say, “Let it fall.”
Western Civilization is predicated on junk, quick cash, easy money, bullshit fiat currency—stuff that does not last, that Styrofoam lawn, houses starting in the mid-three-hundreds that will be shacks in ten years.
Ever since we started burning black stuff we dug out of the earth we’ve been on borrowed time.
Let it burn.
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mesc franklin     Feb 2, 2016

Amen brother! Amen!
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