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‘Villainy Reigns’
Hunting Whitey in Philadelphia
© 2016 James LaFond
Two Years After Blacks Killed Amber Long Over a $14 Purse, Philadelphia Detectives Have No Leads in Solving Her Murder
"Interesting security video, it was quick but they scouted with the car before."
Thanks for the heads up Dom.
This blogger does work hard and brings valuable reality to our attention, but is so painfully naïve as to boggle the mind. Please let us leave justice, decency and notions of wrong out of the discussion of state-facilitated predation by 80-IQ bipeds.
Notice the use of the hooded sweat shirts, garb of the innocent, a garment that could not have been better designed to facilitate such crimes.
Of course women are not tactically-minded, and there is no possibility that they could have resisted these two mugs even if there was no gun. The only possibility was them having guns and being alert, and we cannot have armed prey in Habitat Hoodrat. However, if this were two Neanderthal males, you would want to stack in echelon, which is an offset pattern, left hand of follow-on man in line to touch right shoulder of lead man. The rear man has the knife, and he taps when he is about to make his stab. Unarmed parties should concentrate on pinning the hand in the right pocket.
The hoody is defeated by checking the right hand in the pocket with your left and then either stabbing the ape in the neck, or grabbing the hood and pulling it over his head with the right hand—keep puling until it is hung up inside-out on his wrists.
Homicide 915 North Front St DC# 14 26-002713
Europe is Safe!
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