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The Sunset Saga?
A Man Question from Steevo Bristol
© 2016 James LaFond
"Dude, what the crudd? What's up with Jay Bracken—his sick-ass racist brother, that little faɡɡot, Three-Rivers, and them hot, time-travelling, lesbian, rapist, assassin bitches? A dude wants to know. I freagin' read too, man!"
Okay, Steevo, don't pop a neck vein on me—it would mess up that Insane Clown Posse tattoo on your neck. Somehow I suspected you were not a Three-Rivers fan.
Look, Steevo, I have no desire to disappoint you and the other literary-minded Yale graduates that come to this site. The fact is, that with only five people actually buying the series, it got put on the back burner, even though it has the best cast of characters and most narrative breath of any of my fiction. It was originally intended to span 21 novels, 10 of which are complete and on sale, and one which has remained partially written since 2012.
Seven Moons Deep is the name of what I suspect will be my last big novel. After book 11 the series was to follow various time-jumpers into certain periods in history, really as an excuse for me to do historical fiction. Well, with the limited interest in the series, I can do historical fiction on its own, and have shifted my time-travel writing focus to The Spiral Case. Check that out, man. I pulled Richard Burton from The Sunset Saga and am using him there.
However, I have every intention of finishing The Sunset Saga story arc.
I intend to complete Seven Moons Deep before I go out to the Rockies with Ishmael and Shayne in September.
If I am not eaten by a big, toothed critter, I intend to continue the series in 2017 with White Sky Canoe, and then conclude it in 2018 with Run to The Hills, both novellas that I will write quickly as the stories have long festered in my bleeding brain and they are mostly action—which you, with your Shakespearean leanings, should appreciate.
Seven Moons Deep crowds onto the lunatic rail car that is what has devolved into my fictional writer's mind the day after tomorrow—dude!
Beyond the Pale: Notes
Seven Moons Deep
advent america
masculine axis
the greatest boxer
on the overton railroad
taboo you
shrouds of arуas
song of the secret gardener
the sunset saga complete
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