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Harm County North Buckles Under Harm City Pressure
© 2016 James LaFond
Harm County North, known to the indigenous rednecks and the urban cowards that fled there from their ebony masters a generation ago, as Harford County, has been targeted by urban planners, real estate moguls and politicians for ghettoization. With crime on the rise in Harford County due to the Baltimore Housing Authority buying houses outside of its jurisdiction and settling hoodrats there, and with every urban flight transplant knowing of someone who was recently attacked in Baltimore while attempting to get back and forth to work or to an entertainment venue, semi-privileged brows have been raised to the point of—oh, no—reason. No, we cannot have that!
Although the actual crime occurring in Baltimore is either being ignored by police, under reported or reclassified, social media keeps people informed as to the actuality to enough of an extent to enable the application of some common sense.
In a rare bid for sanity, the Harford County School District had cancelled all field trips for students into Baltimore, as it is clearly an unsafe environment. The mulattress mayor [the same whore who let the city burn and then requested that 1,000 Somali refugees be settled in Baltimore] was outraged. Phone calls were made, and the school authorities waffled, and will now be sending their children into harm's way, where else, but in Harm City.
How bad is Baltimore, during the day, on Baltimore Street, three blocks from the largest police precinct of the eighth largest police department in the nation?
Once, at 4 p.m. an innocent, unarmed, oppressed individual attempted to hold up a Secret Service agent at gunpoint—oops!
A county executive from a surrounding municipality sat in his car, stuck in traffic with his wife, as a mob of innocent, unarmed, oppressed youth rampaged down the street with bats.
On the Corner of Light and Baltimore, Timmy was attacked by two men at a busy bus stop at 8:30 a.m. during rush hour. The bus driver did not blink, did not even call the police.
At 11:00 a.m. one morning I had an innocent, unarmed, oppressed individual threaten me like so, "I'll kill yo ass, Yo," for no apparent reason.
Way back in the day, when I was 13 year's old, walking down Light Street with my father, a man tried to walk me into an alley, by coming up next to me and putting his arm around me. My father shoved him off and walked me out of there, and that was a decade before crack hit the streets.
I have an idea, if the Harford County School District would like to schedule a field trip, I will be willing to conduct a tour of Habitat Hoodrat, gratis. All I want is a set of binoculars, a riding crop, kaki shorts, and a pith helmet for my trouble. I'll even show your brats how to get served at a Korean liquor store—two of them did survive the purge, you know!
Below is the link to a news story on the subject. "Indefinitely" is apparently a fleeting notion in Harford County, as the decision was reversed almost immediately.
Scanning During a Confrontation
harm city
'The Poleese Be Around'
under the god of things
by the wine dark sea
on combat
the gods of boxing
within leviathan’s craw
orphan nation
the fighting edge
bernie Hackett     Feb 9, 2016


Prisoners of their own narrative!

(cue "Everything is Beautiful")

No one wants to admit the truth, because it would interfere with their pretty pictures of the City that Breeds, where everyone is the same and gets along just swimmingly.

Goodness, we can't have that! People might start asking questions, with embarrassing answers.

And the city wouldn't get the $$$ they keep needing to make everything better, or so they say. With no accountability, of course. As in "Simply Irresistable", They don't know where the money went. More likely, they ain't saying.

Just better and better! Looking forward to narrative collapse! De truf done gonna set u free!
Sam J.     Feb 10, 2016

"...All I want is a set of binoculars, a riding crop, kaki shorts, and a pith helmet for my trouble..."

I'm afraid you'll need an elephant gun and porters to go with that.
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