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Primate on Primate Crime
And the Violence Guy is on the Case!
© 2016 James LaFond
“Jim, could you analyze the monkey's technique and poise? On one hand, the monkey is holding the knife in an icepick grip, an indicator of murderous intent. On the other hand, he does not seem to be very committed.”
Okay, B, I am glad, that for once I get a serious inquiry from one of my readers.
A. If we look closely at the second video window, and note the Mohawk haircut, we see that he was on the warpath, and became hyper-hostile once imbibing some of the Whiteman’s fire water.
B. The fact that he chased men away from innocent women marks him as chivalrous.
C. The grip, while indicative of pursuit and hyper-aggression in the hands of one of us oversized primates, in his case, appears to be a kingly pose, as in the picture of Arthur Pendragon taking the sword from the stone.
D. The fact that, when the reprobates he chased off called in uniformed reinforcements, that he then abides by the Castle Doctrine and takes to the roof of the keep in defense of his women folk, is the fourth part of this chain of events, definitively linking this monkey to the still restive soul of Arthur Pendragon. Had the enemy kept the film running up until the point where he leaped from the battlement screaming, “Excalibur,” we would know for sure. As for whose fault this is:
E. 1. That was the Whitemans’ fire water.
F. 2. Arthur Pendragon was white, with his tarnsmigrant soul presumably remaining white-identified.
G. 3. The Welsh lake skank who gave Arthur the blade was white.
H. 4. And he stood one against many as paleface warriors are habitually prone to do…
All evidence mark this as a racial crime against innocent Brazilian colored folks. It is Whitey’s fault, plain and simple.
Also check out the IsrŠ°eli News article link at the bottom, which was a well done piece of humor.
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