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The Sissy View of Life in Manginastan
© 2016 James LaFond
I have been sent two separate links taking me to the video below. My first thought, on the premise is, if women can destroy it, then it’s pretty damned weak to begin with.
Thought Crimes
The publisher begins losing me here when the obligatory mangina written apology for daring to criticize the object of his misery and desire, is 1) included, and 2) begins with “please.” If a male cannot speak to or about women, without prefacing his statements with an apology and well-meaning qualifications, then he is not a man, but the soft product of Civilization. Beginning at 1:20 and extending for 40 seconds, is another, audio, apology to women, using the female word “please,” again.
Please is a slave word.
Say “Si.”
Now say “Ci.”
Now say “Sissy.”
Now say “Civi.”
Do you comprehend, you civilized sissy? Those two terms are as inextricably bound as the ancient Indo-European “wodr” and modern English “water.”
The video is interesting, provocative and fairly well documented concerning the modern situation, but was produced in almost total ignorance of the primal, and ancient agrarian situations.
The key aspect that is wrong with this, and all manosphere propaganda, including Jack Donovan’s book, the Way of Men [my annotated copy of which is being given to a young man for his 19th birthday, today], which I do support as the most important book of the 21st Century to date, is the erroneous concept that men are protectors, primarily concerned with in-group out-group “perimeter” security.
Security, is another female notion, rejected by real men, who are hunters, risk-takers, plunderers, and who know that no perimeter can be secured. If you talk to experienced war-fighters you will discover that a camp or base perimeter is "secured” through proactive means, patrolling, sniping, the famously offensive claymore mine.
It is telling that the type of woman extolled as the beauty standard in this video is not the type of woman that could have survived—let alone thrived—under the conditions of primal or agrarian womanhood. The petite, narrow-hipped, low-bone density china doll with the BMI of an adolescent boy—while a pleasing meat-puppet, sex-toy concept—is a symptom of civilization, not the cause of its downfall.
The telling assumption of this entertaining, whining video, is that civilization is masculine, and that it is good, when it is neither.
Listen up, Sweet Pants, civilization is the act whereby a dominant group of killers—men, all of them—enslave the women and those men that they deam useful, consigning those useful men to live the lives of women! Civilization cannot, fundamentally be understood by the emasculated man, because Civilization is emasculation on a mass societal scale, which denies the emasculated meat-puppet a true perspective on his lot. The civilized male is a woman with a penis, who looks to real men and slave warriors for his survival and the preservation of his property, of which women are no longer the prize objects.
Collect them.
Dress them up.
Parade them.
Pet them.
Stuff them.
Shelve them.
But for God's sake, don't whine about them!
Western nations have habitually been envisioned as feminine: Europe named after the raped goddess Europa, who dated bulls [porn stars of ancient myth] and was raped by Zeus, who disguised himself as a vaginal enchanter:
Hellas was named after a woman, Rome founded by the savage brothers weaned by a mother wolf, Britain, the greatest sea power in history, as, well—certainly not Britannius—but Britannia.
Russia, the greatest land power in the Western experience, is the Mother Land. It is historically easy to get men—even emasculated drones—who live in a realm identified as a motherland or ruled by a Queen, to fight a protracted defensive war. It has, conversely, been easy for heads of state to motivate the men of masculine-identified nations to conquer: early medieval Islam, early modern Spain, the U.S., the Third Reich and postmodern Islam as prime examples.
Speaking of misplaced gender metaphors and nations, when the greatest army in modern history found itself in an untenable position, and its competent commander wished to regroup—as men do when the hunt takes a bad turn—the emasculated, trench-coat wearing faɡɡot in charge of that nation overruled one of his better generals and demanded a feminine defense, a perimeter. And, Army Group South was betrayed by an emasculated notion of feminine security as Hitler screamed about a “mailed fist,” like some comic book fan presiding over Armageddon.
Yes, I hear you whimpering about that in the back of the class, and have it right here. The Third Reich and the United States, were both founded in opposition to Britannia, and took on a defiantly masculine consciousness, as Uncle Sam [a slave name if there ever was one] and the more effectively motivational moniker of Germanic myth, the Fatherland.
Enjoy the show, as this well-meaning neutered pet of nameless puppet masters blames the woman who was born to be a slave, for the fact that his slavery is becoming disconcerting, as she tries frantically to find a master that will make her mind, while he cries that the downfall of women is their attraction to alpha males!
Sissy, I have no desire to live in a world where women prefer losers to winners and whiners to thrivers, for, the greatest pleasure of mine, is to crush your body, drive your mind before my withering will, and to hold your woman close, as your mother cooks my dinner, your daughter washes your blood from my feet, and your woman’s little sister worships my scepter of dominance as the Furies once blew upon the Flute of Time.
Class, class, our masculinity examine will be posted tomorrow. So if you want to join The Sissy Legion be prepared—watch this film and take notes.
‘Stiff and Sweet’
video reviews
‘On the Edge of Doom’
winter of a fighting life
the fighting edge
shrouds of aryаs
solo boxing
fiction anthology one
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