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‘To the Gothic Playground’
Nero the Pict on Harm City History
© 2016 James LaFond
“My God....That piece you did on Wyman Park and its Civil War statuary was amazing. You know the next time Mr. Franklin makes his way south you might suggest a visit to Loudon Cemetery. Don't know if you have ever been there. It is the final resting place for a whole mess of dead rebels. The juxtaposition with the surrounding area is quite striking. I foresee a time when the Confederate wing will have the markers knocked down and a statue of Oprah dropping a squat erected in their place.
“Also, he might appreciate a visit to the gothic playground that is Greenmount Cemetery. John Wilkes Boothe is interred there, 'Sic Semper Tyranis' and all that.
“Take care man,”
-Nero the Pict
Mister Franklin, has already done a photo study of the forgotten monuments to the anonymous fallen of the First World War and is dedicating the next couple years to amassing a photo archive of Western memorials that seem likely to be erased. We will try and team up for as many of these as possible.
Thanks for the kind words echoing down from the sodden ground above Yo Adrian’s Invisible Wall.
A Page in a Book against Time
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Bernie Hackett     Apr 3, 2016

Hey, how 'bout a road trip to Greenmount Cemetary? Like a true Baltimoron, I ain't never been. The more folks, the better, one thinks, given the vibrant, diverse neighborhood surrounding it. I also seem to remember there's a guy who gives tours. Visit the vicinity of John Wilkes Booths grave, which is hidden from the public, surprisingly.

There are Civil War and other war monuments in the area, as well. Might want to take them in, before the selfappointed reshapers of society have their dumbassed way.

The Confederate Sailors and Soldiers monument is on Mt. Royal Avenue, in front of my old parish school. Les imbeciles painted on it, during the great soulsearching and barbeque aftermath.
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