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‘A Lawyer Living on the Ghetto Edge’
Our Ever-Helpful Guest Introduces the Z-Man
© 2016 Guest, Ultimate Guest Author
Off topic, The Z Blog added you to his blogroll!
Maybe return the favor and add him to your links...
He is a lawyer living on the ghetto edge
I always read Z and LaFond in tandem...
Updated daily, he posts gems like:
"Post-modernism is when a people forget all of the lessons of previous generations and start painfully re-learning them."
"The people running things employ persuasive morons to sell their position to the persuadable morons. Arguing through a megaphone leaves only one option. The side that is the loudest wins. It’s why Progressives will work free of charge for a turn at the megaphone. "
"Laws limiting free association were intended to eliminate the organic structures that naturally oppose authoritarianism. It’s why the Founders made freedom of association the first item in the Bill of Rights. It’s why Progressives have been making war on it for close to a century."
"My chief complaint against libertarianism is that it is a convenient hiding place for people unwilling to take on the Left. If you reject central planning of the national economy, but are afraid to be called bad things by the local lunatics. In the culture war, libertarians will never go over the top and will, once in a while, turn their weapons on their comrades. You just can’t trust them to fight."
"Gun control has always been a proxy-debate that is more signalling than a debate. Good whites from Yankeedom see guns as a stand in for southerners in particular, but all bad whites in general. After these shootings, the good whites get to have their day for acts of public piety. It’s why they say the same things over and over. Rituals are like that."
Maybe fix Eradic to Eradica while you're at it.
And another blog that linked to you several times, and where i initially found out about LaFond, with a big F, is:
Both sites would be worthy additions to the links
I have no affiliations with them, I am just a fan...
‘Better to be a Bum's Dog’
guest authors
All Work and No Play
into leviathan’s maw
on the overton railroad
'in these goings down'
time & cosmos
the combat space
the year the world took the z-pill
night city
PRCD     Mar 1, 2016

check out the kakistocracy also:
James     Mar 4, 2016

Will do, thanks.
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