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'Why Don't You Simply Move Out of Harms Way?'
A Man Question from Our Guest
© 2016 James LaFond
"Pardon me, but why don't you simply move out of harms way?
"And shouldn't you talk junior out of buying a house in Baltimore County, that's no place to anchor. I don't want to be rude but I just don't get it, as you said you have enough writing and hood source material already. Isn't buying a house here like driving a car off the lot?
"You are asking for it by staying...
"Is it the battered wife syndrome?
"Escape while you are still in one piece, you could also make more money in some small town teaching self defense classes.
"Or if you want to stay in the supermarket business, German discount retailers Lidl and Aldi are currently massively expanding in the US and are both looking for staff!
"Just Lidl alone plans to open hundreds of stores in 2018, 2000 even by 2020, they will need thousands of new people, especially the first stores opening in the Greater Washington, D.C. area would appreciate you specific urban skill set.
"Lidl and Aldi are top dogs in Germany, even your great Walmart couldn't compete with them, they closed up shop in 2006 in Germany, they also withdrew from South Korea the same year, Walmart that is.
"And no wonder, Oreos taste like crap compared to even cheap German store brands, it's not even close."
My Progeny
Okay, my youngest son first.
His older brother is stuck in a house he cannot afford in Harford County—the place everybody fleeing Baltimore moved to between 30-15 years ago. I was just out there and saw three hood rats walking with skateboards, not riding, but carrying skateboards as weapons.
Glenn knew, on his own, that following the rest of the Baltimore rabbits was not bright. Indeed, today, I saw twice as many for sale signs in the bedroom community my mother, sister and oldest son have all moved to. My Millionaire Uncle has moved from Harford County as well—to Florida—because they are bussing in hoodrats out of Baltimore, nullifying the property values of the houses people bought and the security they bought them for, and the safe retirement my mother fled Baltimore for. Now she looks out her door and sees hoodrats, one year before her last mortgage payment!
Glenn works in the D.C area, around Alexandria Virginia, and since he is just starting his finance firm gig he can only afford a 250K house.
To get into a hoodrat-free subdivision around the nation’s capitol costs 500K and up. Low income areas around D.C. are just as bad as Baltimore, and is why half of South Baltimore residents work in D.C., because living there on a slim budget is bad news.
To move to Pennsylvania, would be a two hour drive one way. He wanted an hour and a half commute, tops. He’s at an hour and a quarter instead of an hour because I talked him out of moving into Baltimore City, where all of his young coworkers are congregating. Of over 200 locations he looked at, he is in the safest. I will devote an article to this later. The guy that is really screwed is his older brother, with two kids, plummeting resale value under his hard-working ass and rising crime. Two cops got murdered around the corner from his house last month. The guy had been sleeping in a parking lot you can see from my mother’s house. Understand, Harford County was the Promised Land for white flight—a trap. The county is fighting the State of Maryland, the Feds and the City, to keep them from shoving their crime down their collective throat, but to little avail.
Glenn has every intention of becoming a CEO and owning a mansion and a Tesla in rural Maryland, PA or Virginia far away from hoodrats. But for now, living in rentals he can afford 12 miles past the city line is far more dangerous—and more expensive—then buying a much nicer place in the safest area of Baltimore County. It is a quirk of the anarcho-tyranny strategy used by the State, that pockets of safe suburban municipalities escape almost unscathed while others are ghettoized. This will be the subject of the upcoming article Hoodrat Homesteading.
My Excuses
As for making a living teaching self-defense, I’m currently being booked for about $50 per week in Baltimore. I coach real combat, which is nigh unmarketable even for those with marketing skill, which my reptilian personality does not have. I am currently one of three coaches who have moved from failed schools into a combat arts refugee camp. Money is in women’s fitness and children’s programs, neither of which I do.
The grocery business?
Aldi runs a good chain, placing locations in ghettoized areas to catch overflow Walmart business, primarily. The lack of concern for their predominantly female low-earning staff, left handling money alone with only one other female employee typically in the building, is criminal.
Yes, I once managed a supermarket and was quite good. I could get a six figure job and live in a safe suburb, but would work in a ghetto—guaranteed they would put me where my qualifications scream to be applied, working in the ghetto. So what would have changed for me?
I would go from living in the ghetto on foot in torn up clothes, to working 70 hours a week in the ghetto in a shirt and tie, and getting my windshield replaced every time I fired some ex-convict for fucking a cashier in the lunchroom.
There is also the little matter of my writing. In order to work in management—which is where the only living wages that permit vehicles and modest home-buying are in the retail food business—I would have to reduce my output from a book a week to a page. In four years as a manager I managed only three articles.
What is more, I would have to take down 80% of my articles from this site and most of my non-fiction books, never to write another ghetto grocer or Harm City article again. In writing fiction, if I ever wrote a black gang banger character saying the word he says most often, and an employee or supervisor got a hold of the book, I would be let go.
I consciously burned my bridges the way I abruptly resigned from my management job in order to make room for a writing retirement. I did this largely because I felt myself slipping mentally, and knew, that if I somehow outlived my father and grandfathers, that it would not be as a sharp writer, but as a reader, wondering if I might have been able to be a writer had I not wasted my life feeding welfare recipients.
But, these are just excuses.
After I resigned my management job, I turned down nine other opportunities, some of which would have had me in a nice location—my entire life lived outside of this rats nest.
I could say, and it would be true, that the government has slated every place where elected officials and campaign contributors do not congregate in gated communities for ghetoization, and that I am staying in a zone that is headed down that road ahead of Maybury Fuck You For Free and am documenting the fall of Western Civilization from the front lines, which I am doing. This is the kind of shit I tell Mom, true, but not the reason for my living on $600 a month in the most violent city in America. I do make about 10K a year working my 20 hour job and writing. I donate the coaching money to the school, pay 1K per hear for the crime of not signing up for free health insurance and give money to my family. I just gave my son 10% of my annual gross to pay his moving expenses, since I'm no longer strong enough to haul his furniture.
My Reason
What is the real reason I live in a crime-ridden metro area?
From March 20, 1963 through July 5, 2010, I was a meat-puppet, a grinding gear in the corrupt body economic that is our sick society, in which 999 out of 1,000 people who think they are human are not, but are rather bio-economic units powering the machine that eats the souls of the one-in-a-thousand true humans. Living such a life, I dreamed and read—enjoying a life of sorts within my own mind—until, at a certain point, I feared for my sanity, as the things I had read, and witnessed, and figured out—would not leave my head!
From July, 5 2010 through the late summer of 2015 I actually lived as an ascendant human being, searching for the truth, hoping to touch God’s pinkie with my pathetic brain, training, writing, fighting, snarling at gangs of punks that other pale faces live in perpetual fear of—I lived, and was lucky for that.
Since my physical prowess left me like a winter breeze on one late summer morning, in a mere moment, I have counted myself among the undead, the lucky portion that can at least recall living as a human instead of a subhuman cog in a puss-lubricated machine. What is left of me is, in essence, a faltering archive trying to upload itself before its hard-drive crashes for good.
I moved to Baltimore in 1981, one step ahead of an attempted murder charge, with the intention of making enough money to fund a suicidal one-way trip to South America with the goal of randomly murdering drug traffickers with a knife until being shot to death. I was side-tracked by a woman who had a sick son, and who ended up giving me another, so felt honor bound to live long enough to see them on their way.
My dear Guest, if I did not write, did not have sons to avoid shaming, I would paint a masterpiece of violence, and go down in history as a mass murderer with few equals.
As things are, I am content to fade away while I write.
The Sissy View of Life in Manginastan
the man cave
The Toil-Based Morality of Boxing
into leviathan’s maw
time & cosmos
son of a lesser god
the gods of boxing
the fighting edge
on the overton railroad
crag mouth
Sam J.     Mar 1, 2016

"...Since my physical prowess left me like a winter breeze on one late summer morning, in a mere moment..."

The hernia??? I'm wondering how you did that so I won't do what ever it is you did. Of course as slow and unfit as I am it's unlikely I'll do so anyways.

I really liked that post on the Jackson-Lee stature. It moved me.

It interesting how all this could be turned around on a dime with steeled determination. Move the hood-rats to public housing away from the taxpayers. Poll tax and/or literacy test for voting. I prefer the combination. For those that say the Supreme court won't allow it they would get the message if you just impeached them over and over until you found some that would. Poll taxes/literacy test would even put a damper of Females driving the country into a ditch. They would rather buy iphones than pay poll taxes and vote. The reason I wrote this I just checked Trumps standing and looks like he won all but Olk. and Tex. I'd hoped he's take them all maybe what I just said is just a dead end. I personally am not in any physical or financial shape to survive an all out EBT riot or a melt down. Hence my hoping for some way to manage the decline without shooting people. You know where that would lead.
James     Mar 4, 2016

I believe I have two hernias that were developing for some time, and I ripped them open stretching in bed while waking up. An older friend of mine herniated himself stretching last year. Of course, it could be an alien that thinks I'm a hot redheaded astronaut!

I can see people increasingly adapting in predominantly non-violent ways to the threat, as the threat population ahs proved unable to grow itself over 60 years of furious breeding. I think the answer needs to be based on masculine notions.
Sam J.     Mar 1, 2016

My apologies for babbling but I forgot to write what I was going to the first time. I had a good friend whose Italian Grandparents lived in St. Louis. They had a small house that was in a typical working class neighborhood. After they retired hood rats started moving in around them. This is no lie. They were honest so they paid the house off and their last payment they locked the door, left and just never came back. The house had become worth nothing.

It's just evil to take away everything from the working class, now working poor, and give it to the spawn of hood rats.

The way things are going the Chinese will buy all these houses THEN the police will move in and protect the property. Of course the hoot rats will be moved to the next White neighborhood they haven't scorched yet.
James     Mar 4, 2016

Your assessment is correct, Sam.

The State, as a social organism, is a dynamic, not static oppressor, Until it gains the power to birth us according to a pliable template it will shuffle us around.

Any one who believes for a moment that the State is not unalterably evil is deluded.
Manny     Mar 1, 2016

Thank you again James. This may be the most touching piece I've read here. Borderline romantic. Best regards, Manny.
James     Mar 4, 2016

Thanks, Manny

To a large extent I am living with the residue of my mistaken youth but remain luckier than most other humans.
Sam J.     Mar 2, 2016

I know, I know, but this post of yours is one hell of a post. I just flashed in my head how well your story fits the decline of Rome. People just ceased to believe and gave up on the system. Men refused to get married in such numbers that they instituted a bachelors tax. I myself feel the same. Unfortunately I lack by a large amount your bravery and fortitude. Reading your work inspires me though. Maybe I can work on that but I believe that a lot of character is cooked into who you are when you're born. So while I'm not a complete puss I'll never Conan.

Trump seems to have done very well. If he doesn't come through where there at least seems to be some movement in a lot of the issues you talk about I see an eventual civil race war. Yes I know there's already one but I mean full on Whites fighting back. It will start small. Mostly ambushes in retaliation. Once these things get going they're difficult to stop. Mind you I'm not one calling for such. I know enough to understand the consequences. Many haven't thought it through.

You have and embrace them but you're a different character than most.

Your skill is warrior. This stuff is what interest me more. This guy makes stone axes, pottery, etc. Here's he makes a clay hut with a tile roof from scratch in the woods.
James     Mar 4, 2016

I'm really thrilled by your boundless curiosity and understanding, Sam.

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