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Caucasian Slavery in Plantation America
Authors Notes to America in Chains
© 2016 James LaFond
In the cause of producing a readable and affordable print book I limited Still Birth of A Nation to an 11 point font and 500 pages. So, in a couple of days, when it becomes available through amazon, it will constitute Caucasian Slavery in Plantation America: Part One.
The book runs to 486 pages with eight period illustrations.
The second volume, America in Chains is already at 226 pages, with 16 illustrations, and is centered on the 70-plus page Chronology of Caucasian Enslavement, One Link at a Time, which also contains notes on landmarks in Black slavery. I have about 50 pages left to right, along with my impressions of Increase Mather's record of New England at war in 1675, and a book on the way from a reader. Both volumes will be priced so that I only make 10 cents on expanded distribution, in hopes that some of these will get out there as "red pills."
I would like to thank Dominick, Scott, Oliver, Samuel, Mescaline, Danica, Lana, Nero and Ann and Greg at Counter-Currents for their support and encouragement.
Stillbirth of a Nation on Deck
author's notebook
Thanks for the Shank, Ishmael
on the overton railroad
shrouds of aryаs
broken dance
on combat
solo boxing
guest     Mar 2, 2016

Mere 10 cents? That can't be right?

I always thought writing books is at least as profitable as panhandling...

It begs the question why even bother with Amazon at all then?

You would make a lot more going with Lulu or something alike

an online print-on-demand self-publishing distribution platform:

No affiliation, i only know about them because a blogger i once read, who ended up jumping of a skyscraper (which explains the lack of updates) published his book there:

You can sell pdfs or actual books printed on demand via them.
James     Mar 4, 2016

Okay, expanded distribution is selling on web sites around the world, and you get very little because they sell in small bits to people in out of the way niches.

I will actually make about $3.50 on each one sold through amazon, which is like 8 times as much as I got from similarly priced books sold through amazon by Paladin.

Some of my books are priced fro zero expanded retail profit and I have racked up a couple sales and got nothing. But, most of the sales come on the higher profit lines. It is a package calculation that gives 5 profit margins, Create space, Euro, Pound, Amazon and expanded.

I checked into LuLu but had to pay to play, and as low as my sales are paying out anything makes no sense.
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