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‘On the Edge of Doom’
Little Ice Age Big Chill Documentary
© 2016 James LaFond
Possessed glaciers munching on Alpine peasants?
Foul whether witch hunts?
Eskimos kayaking in Scotland?
Stranded Vikings?
The potato was the Devil’s plant and to eat of it was a church-ordained sin?
George Washington was the largest distiller of rye whiskey in the nation?
Virtually all wine in America is drunk on the East and Left coast?
I just loved this documentary. It is packed with enough small details that I enjoyed it as much on my third viewing as I did on my first.
I viewed this documentary again as I read Increase Mather's account of the most savage Indian wars fought on the North American continent by English-speaking people. His constant evocation of God's punishments, seeing the divine hand in every weather event, as his people fought a knock-down drag-out war to exterminate the natives of his "New IsrŠ°el," makes much more sense in the context of this interdisciplinary film.
The Sissy View of Life in Manginastan
video reviews
‘Flood Myths’
into leviathan’s maw
the year the world took the z-pill
song of the secret gardener
advent america
within leviathan’s craw
John Fry     Mar 3, 2016

hey James - great stuff there. I've also been watching Adapt 2030 youtubes to keep up with strange hail, snow and cold events. A few degrees C is a game changer re: food production.

I've been running across quite a bit of interesting stuff out there about black folks being indigenous in the americas long before colonization by europeans and asian tribes. some suggest the out-of-africa thing is complete propaganda and others question the size, if any, of the atlantic slave trade. Some of it kinda fits with some of your work in that slavery area. looking forward to getting a copy of the new book when it's available. oh yeah, a few of the hipper black critics of standard history are well versed on the irish slave trade as well. You've probably run across this stuff. Search on Black Indians or Black Native Americans and that'll get you there.
James     Mar 4, 2016

Thank you, John.

I will look into this.
PRCD     Mar 3, 2016

which Increase Mather book?
James     Mar 4, 2016

The Warr with the Indians in New England.
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