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The Cure for White Guilt
Stillbirth of a Nation: Caucasian Slavery in Plantation America: Part One Paperback – March 3, 2016
© 2016 James LaFond
The interesting thing about searching for white slavery and indentured servitude artwork was that so much of it was mislabeled under, such things as Mrs. Browning’s Maryland beating of a servant wench being posted under Latin American studies. Nevertheless, we have eight nice pieces of art in this book, with the upcoming companion volume having twice that number gleaned from the suppressed record of European-American servitude.
Stillbirth of A Nation is the story of America’s birth as a slave nation. Among the author’s startling claims are:
-Slavery in the English Colonies, from Carolina to Canada, did not have its origins in the transatlantic slave trade conducted by Portugal, Spain and Holland, but in England’s own ancient and rich history of child slavery, transformed into a hideous human trafficking industry with the criminalization of poverty in Elizabethan England.
-American notions of freedom, liberty and autonomy did not rise from a free pioneer society, but were learned from Native Americans.
-That the American tradition of bearing arms was a reaction against the enslavement of whites by whites, whose masters armed and paid Indian warriors to police the frontiers for runaways. These three key concepts and many more fascinating facts about early American life are illuminated through the memoir of Scottish slave Peter Williamson, who had his freedom taken four times, by British, French and Indians.
Buy this for the self-hating paleface in your life.
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Sean     Mar 4, 2016

My book budget cannot keep up with the amount of material you produce. To the wish list it goes.
Ronald     Mar 4, 2016

Looks like a good book james just ordered a copy something I want to throw out there is I believe a tradition of slavery in native American culture was present before european involvement as well as war laws and customs if you put any group of men together a alpha rises to the top and will keep order as he sees fit freedom is never free thanks Ronald
James     Mar 4, 2016

Ronald, the first slaves in English speaking North America were whites owned by Indians in Carolina!

I explore that more fully in the sequel.

thanks for the order.
guest     Mar 4, 2016

How come you don't also sell these books in your own book store? I'd rather get the digital version pdf here, and even pay more for it, rather than having to deal with evilzon. Knowing all $$$ goes goes to you would be a bonus on top!

Or does the Amazon CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform demand exclusivity?
James     Mar 6, 2016

This is how you do it.

Make a donation in the amount you think the book is worth to you via our donation link. Then e-mail me at jameslafond dot com at gmail dot com, and say, hey James, that donation I just sent you was for Stillbirth of a Nation and I will e-mail you a copy, the very same copy I used to typeset the Evilzon version. This is a perfectly good adobe pdf, just like anyone with Word 2007 could make on their computer. It, however, would never cut the mustard with my webmaster, who only places for sale e-books that meet his aesthetic criterion. And, since he has been busy doing the Harm City Safari guide for this past year, we have stopped offering e-books. Charles has made no bones about the fact that my PDFs are ugly! Hideous!

So, be warned, the PDF is going to be as lacking in graphic quality as the print book!

there is also that matter that I produce a book every week or two, and that—with Charles' other commitments—it takes him a month or two to make it into a PDF that meets his stringent standards, which means our e-store will not catch up until I buy the dirt-bath farm!

Actually, the Create Space slaves of Evilzon demand very little, have been quite cowed by their ominous master, and very responsive to my requests for help, on those rare occasions when I am actually aware that I am screwing up!

Thanks, Our Honored Guest, once again for a helpfully pointed question.
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