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The Hunted
Reading Predatory Urban Sign through Prey Behavior
© 2016 James LaFond
It has been some time since I have examined bus use patterns. Mass transit is very susceptible to any type of social disruption, often faring worse during social upheaval than during natural disasters and winter weather events.
On the bus, I mostly sleep with my sunglasses and hood on.
I am taking a Wednesday night on one bus line as a sample, as Monday and Friday, the other two days I typically use the bus, are more prone to irregularities such as holidays, drivers staying home to watch the Monday Night Football game, etc.
This concerns only predation, not social vetting brawls between hoodrat breeders.
In Baltimore, there are now three* types of predators, from most to least likely to attack:
1. Hoodrats
2. Pigs
3. Fatheads*
The Prey Species of Habitat Hoodrat are, from most to least often attacked:
1. Hoodrats
2. Palefaces
3. Fatheads
4. Slanteyes
*These are Salvadorans come through Mexico and up into Baltimore to prey on Mexican dishwashers and such. Machete attacks are now on the rise in East Baltimore, according to my confidential Latin sources. It appears that Donald Trump was right about Latinos coming to Baltimore to commit crime. He must be psychic, because it wasn’t going on last year.
Changes in Behavior of Prey Species After Dark
1. Hoodrats are taking the bus at half the frequency as they did before the Purge [which targeted whites predominantly] they are also not walking back into the neighborhoods, but waiting for another bus, a cab, a hack, or an escort to come and get them. Within 200 yards of the bus stop I use at night, four houses have gone up for sale, two owned by blacks, two by whites.
2. Palefaces are taking the bus in half the numbers, but are all males—where the hoodrats are half female—and are walking back in the neighborhoods. However, no paleface is using bus stops in the Rosedale-Essex area where the hoodrat hunt for palefaces was in full swing during the Purge, with this paleface being a notable exception to the paleface rabbit rule. The palefaces only take the bus from Towson to Overlea, and no longer venture further east, where thousands of Harm City Hoodrats [which have noticeably more pronounced tails than Harm County Hoodrats] have been imported over the last four years.
3. Fatheads are no longer taking the bus at night. Since these are higher earners than hoodrats and palefaces, I suspect they have bought cars or are taking sedans and cabs.
4. No slanteyes—a delicacy in Harm County and Harm City to begin with—are taking the bus at night.
This is just one line. But, this is a county-to-county line that straddles numerous city and county police precincts and is known to be one of the safest bus lines in the Greater Baltimore Metropolitan Area. I will examine traditionally more dangerous bus routes at another time. Keep in mind, that the #55 links three of these, and that the bus stop behavior at the major transfer points holds for users of all lines. People are very conscious that they will be hunted as they leave a bus stop and are taking prudent precautions. Behavior on the bus is much less friendly, and much more quite as well, with a reduction in bad behavior and civility at the same time, with people tending toward a generally none-threatening, anti-social demeanor.
‘A Legacy’
harm city
The Black Terminatrix Hierarchy
the greatest lie ever sold
shrouds of arуas
logic of steel
the combat space
when you're food
night city
orphan nation
Ishmael     Mar 5, 2016

When it comes to prey based feeding, in your case James, you have a inverted food pyramid, sure sucks to be you, Paleface!
James     Mar 6, 2016

From the base of the inverted food pyramid that is Harm City, I solute you.
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