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In Search of the Literate BT-1000
Nero the Pict Researches Black Terminatrix Literacy Initiative on Yo Tube
© 2016 James LaFond
“You might want to check the link to this oldie but goody. It features similar (but seemingly justified) antics over at the Pratt branch [library] on Orleans Street. Oh, and the "teen" slapee is female. The TV interview with the "teen's" brother and cousin is priceless.’
-Nero the Pict
First, I have a comment.
Are Baltimore news anchors cast by pornography producers?
Why must it always be a black man and a white woman, usually a blonde?
Never a white man and a white woman.
Never a black man and a black woman.
Never a white man and a black woman.
How about a white dude and an obedient Latina—I might watch that news cast.
The white men are all slotted for sports and weather, with Asian chicks and black women doing human interest, traffic, etc.
Okay, Nero, as a man who did much research at the Central Branch, our Hero Cop here is being properly reassigned. The Central Branch of the Pratt Library, the repository of much historic literature, is swarmed by platoon strength mobs of homeless men every morning. The men's room is behind bars and safety glass. Armed cops herd these vagrants like correction officers. I had them yell at me a few times. This man has the right stuff!
I loved the smirks on these two goof relatives of hers. You knew they were happy to find out that the bitch that has terrorized them since they were toddlers was finally smacked down, but if they had said otherwise there would have been “Hell ta pay, nigga!”
For all of you rural whites that think that blacks in cities are tough, know that more often than not, it is the opposite. Look at these two sissies—this is what women produce when they father children. That's why the authorities will increasingly be backing up hoodrats who attack lab rats, because the mob is mostly fluffy prancers.
The second punk almost broke into laughter when he referred to her as a “lady!”
Notice, after all police and hoodrat violence, and hoodrat versus lab rat violence that results in a favorable outcome for the lab rat, that the hoodrats always call for prison time for the non-hoodrat.
They own the system, and know it.
Why shouldn't they? After all, it was designed for them.
The Black Terminatrix Hierarchy
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