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When Grown-Ups Really Suck
Bozo the Bully Teacher
© 2016 James LaFond
I will write you about this bully of a teacher. His son was in my class. He came to school with black eyes! His abuse extended to his wife and daughters. Bozo was his nickname. He taught Physics, Algebra, Chemistry and how to look up young girls dresses. He played Football in Portland, Oregon, big guy, linebacker, with a bad attitude.
I was wrestling with one of my friends out on the lawn after lunch, it was getting very rough but we were not mad, just not wanting to get pinned. He came up behind me and grabbed my long hair, jerked me to my feet. I turned around, angry because the he had about scalped me. He yelled in my face and told me to simmer down. I said, we were wrestling, practicing, not fighting, that's when he punched me with an upper cut under the chin—no fooling, a teacher! It knocked me on my back. I got up and got slapped to the ground again. He pointed to me a said "Don't talk back to me ever again."
I never told my Dad, who was almost 60 and too old to deal with this guy. My Father didn't believe in suing. I know what would have happened, so I mentally dealt with Bozo the teacher in my mind and started to plan my revenge.
He had an old pickup, a straight six, I think an old Chevy. I would drink beer after school. [I know I had a bit of a problem. I later grew up and quit drinking beer after school.] I would take the cap off and dump my urine in his tank. I would fill his tank twice a week. When the weather got cold it would form a big ice cube in the tank, when he would go around a corner my friends would laugh, you could hear it clunking in the tank. The tank was right behind the seat. He figured out somebody was spiking his tank so he put a locking cap on it. We made a master key in shop class. I would then dump the urine in and fill the keyhole with Elmers wood glue. This kept me from going crazy over the injustice of him getting away with being so cruel. After I finished high school I heard he had abused his family too, he was in jail last I heard, could be a rumor but this guy was a monster.
I forgot to explain, to make a key, all you need is play dough, and a set of jewelry fiIes! I will show you if you have never done it, shop class was great, learned a great deal about locks, cars, welding, and how to stop up a drain! Um motor!
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