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Beyond Evilzon
Reading LaFond Digitally Beyond the Reach of Empire
© 2016 James LaFond
“How come you don't also sell these books in your own book store? I'd rather get the digital version pdf here, and even pay more for it, rather than having to deal with evilzon. Knowing all $$$ goes goes to you would be a bonus on top!
“Or does the Amazon CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform demand exclusivity?”
This is how you do it.
Make a donation in the amount you think the book is worth to you via our donation link. Then e-mail me at jameslafond dot com at gmail dot com, and say, hey James, that donation I just sent you was for Stillbirth of a Nation and I will e-mail you a copy, the very same copy I used to typeset the Evilzon version. This is a perfectly good adobe pdf, just like anyone with Word 2007 could make on their computer. It, however, would never cut the mustard with my webmaster, who only places for sale e-books that meet his aesthetic criterion. And, since he has been busy doing the Harm City Safari guide for this past year, we have stopped offering e-books. Charles has made no bones about the fact that my PDFs are ugly! Hideous!
So, be warned, the PDF is going to be as lacking in graphic quality as the print book!
There is also that matter that I produce a book every week or two, and that—with Charles' other commitments—it takes him a month or two to make it into a PDF that meets his stringent standards, which means our e-store will not catch up until I buy the dirt-bath farm!
Actually, the Create Space slaves of Evilzon demand very little, seem to have been quite cowed by their ominous master, and are very responsive to my requests for help, on those rare occasions when I am actually aware that I am screwing up!
Thanks, Our Honored Guest, once again for a helpfully pointed question.
For those who are wondering, our donation button is on the right column of the main page, in the form of King Nero the Pict, seated upon his plastic throne, holding the cardboard crest of his house, which seems to be an ongoing request for financial and military aid from Rome against the savage Gaelic reavers commanded by Cormac Mac Art…
The Cure for White Guilt
the author in print
40,000 Years from Home in Print
the year the world took the z-pill
by the wine dark sea
into leviathan’s maw
thriving in bad places
night city
menthol rampage
orphan nation
guest     Mar 6, 2016

I'm not worthy nor honorable, but i am again much obliged!
James     Mar 6, 2016

All the better!
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