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Baltimore Renaissance?
A Charter School for Troubled Youth Could Be Moving To You!
© 2016 James LaFond
When historian Sidney Anglo wrote The Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe he drew a History Channel interview, in which he stated that many of the successful duelists of that cultural bright spot in time were psychopaths. So, the founders and operators of a certain magnet school for the most violent teens in Baltimore, might have reconsidered when they named it Renaissance Academy. But alas, I was consulting elsewhere...
Basically, any time you see a school relabeled as an academy, institute, or any other positive designation meant to replace the tired and worn pseudo-corrections-facility feel of "school," on the tongue, be certain that unprepared and dysfunctional youth of the violent kind are going to be housed there.
As bad as that was, these egg heads changed management styles and moved the school into the Druid Hill-Upton area, where the students would have to run a gauntlet of rival thugs to get back and forth to school. What was worse, they paired it with a middle school.
Now, putting a middle school and high school on the same ground is always a bad idea. Predominantly, this results in extremely violent middle school males. These youth are inspired to imitate the most feared high schoolers, who are already productive members of drug gangs. Also, since black urban youth typically become sexually active by age twelve, the fact that all of these middle school girls are going to be having sex with the high school boys instead of kids their age, will result in a hyper-aggressive crop of graduating middle-schoolers, feeding violence up the age hierarchy as they go wherever they go.
The hitherto suppressed news that three innocent, unarmed Baltimore City children have been killed at Renaissance Academy in the past three months, finally has douchebag Schools CEO Gregory Thornton considering moving the school. He will, of course, seek to move it to an area that is not a violent hunting matrix, and thus destroy another Baltimore neighborhood as these sainted martyrs fan out after school to break and enter, rob, rape [black youth are highly prone to rape] and mob stomp the local residents. One of these kids was stabbed in class in November, dying in December, one was "accidentally shot" in January so that this will hopefully not make the murder board, and the last was apparently executed around the corner from the school, a week or two after quitting.
Okay, a stabbing in a prison-like environment is understandable. And an execution of a recently dropped out corner boy, happens at least once a week in Baltimore. But someone is accidentally shot to death—a black, oppressed, innocent, unarmed, martyred someone—in a school, and it does not make news except as a footnote to this article in the March 5, 2016 issue of The Baltimore Sun? It may have been reported and missed by this crackpot. But, there has been no outcry about this, no media circus. Could it be that a paleface did not pull the trigger, and that therefore the death of this black person means nothing?
The tone of this entire article is one of fawning pity for the students who are powerless to learn, decide, act, grow, thrive or even survive without the paternalistic hand of White Daddy or Uncle Thornton to guide and protect them.
The only real answer is to remove these kids to an isolated camp, then eventually release them into the urban wilds to either reform or revert to their former habits. Any other solution simply spreads the social cancer that is, caused by HCV, the Harm City Virus.
So, since authorities have continually chosen to take the course proven to make matters worse, and result in more aggressive dropouts, might it reasonably be assumed to be the goal, not to reform, but to afflict peaceful tax payers with, these violent youth?
Harm City Safari Guide
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PRCD     Mar 6, 2016

Do the taxpayers/voters have any recourse but to move out? I suppose houses can't be worth much there so walking away might not be a financially-devastating option.

You mentioned that the city of Bawlmore was buying houses in the county with federal money for their yoof. Do the county and its voters have any recourse?

If the county cops look the other way, I suppose the suppressed .177 HMR pellet gun option is probably the best. Yoof attacking in broad daylight suggests a complete break down of law and order. In that case, I wonder if untraceable pellet wounds to the legs and other non-lethal areas would even be investigated by police?
James     Mar 7, 2016

Sub-lethal weapon options are being pursued by numerous resistance fighters.

There has been measures by elected Baltimore County and Harford County officials to stop this crime export by the city, and it has had an impact by reducing expansion, not stopping or reversing it. Unfortunately, the State and the Feds are on the side of the city for various nefarious reasons.

With the efforts various governments are making to export criminals to the suburbs so that they can build larger elite enclaves in prime centers, I suggest either moving to very rural locales or enclaving with fellow targets, as my son is doing, since he cannot yet afford the rural option.
guest     Mar 7, 2016

Fun fact Mr. LaFond: 90% Nonwhite Violent Crime Rate FBI

“Nonwhites commit at least 90 percent of all violent crimes in America, and the least white cities are the most dangerous, an analysis of the latest Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) crime statistics has revealed.”

That’s why "xenophobe" is such a funny insult; A phobia is of course an irrational fear of something that poses no actual danger. It’s like pest control asking if you have arachnophobia, when calling to report finding a million spiders crawling around your home…

Xenophobe would also make for a great book title!

Or "White Xenophobe"

by James LaFond

with a big F
James     Mar 7, 2016

I posted this with a Darwinian rant.
PRCD     Mar 8, 2016

Enclaving with fellow targets is the Boer strategy in South Africa at the moment. It seems like a long-term losing strategy as garrison societies usually fail, especially when those inside the garrison have the money. The rural South Africans are moving to the city where neighbors are closer and can render aid. Roving bands of Bantus attack rural farmers in South Africa. Most of this is largely true in Argentina as well. FerFAL documents this on his website "Surviving in Argentina."

The Boers are currently asking the South African government for independence based on a land grant issued to them by the Zulu king several hundred years ago. The Trekvoers seemed to live relatively at peace with the Bantu; it was the English they fought for good reason.

Long term cocooning with other white cowards seems like a bad idea.
James     Mar 8, 2016

First, thanks for your thoughtful comments, PRCD

You are correct. Ultimately you need a polity—a pre-state tribe—but that will not be permitted by the state, which is an organism adapted for the extinguishment of tribes and if it was, it would eventually turn into a state and turn on its subjects. Landless tribes may be a kind of answer, a fraternity, though these have been legislated against in advance with drug war laws for dismantling non-state organizations.

I like the idea of nomadism, finding the temporary places that have not been ruined yet.

There are, even in Baltimore, areas that, due to quirks in geography, the laziness of criminals and the sloppy manner in which the state has gone after us, where crime has literally passed by. However, crime will be sent our way eventually and perimeters do not hold, as you note. I do not see or sense a permanent solution, but look for adaptations. Look at American Indian migratory patterns before and after contact, and you will see that every tribe finds itself in a position where they have to move at some point, just like every fighter has to move at some point or get KO'd.

Now consider that where Native American tribes were targeted by rivals, we are being targeted by rivals and the very environment [for our environment is largely artificial at this point, and shaped by State action] and it seems clear that static methods will not do.
Sam J.     Mar 11, 2016

I know it's against your ethos but some of us don't have the strength or skill you have. For them a Benjamin Bulldog .357 Bullpup air rifle might be the key. It has a built in silencer shroud that lowers the report a little. Look at the other high caliber air rifles on the site. People hunt buffalo with some of them.

Fixed built in shroud silencers are legal on air rifles.

Another option that may be even better is crossbows. Seems to me someone needs to make a crossbow that rotates a dart or shaft like a bullet. Might be accurate over a very long range. Retaliation could be silently delivered to the vicious marauders over a range as high as 100meters. Instead of using a bow for the propulsion use a tensioned twisted torsion bar of some sort. Here's a picture of a Roman torsion catapult.

No reason you couldn't maybe substitute a linear screw for the throwing arm. This would allow a compact rifle type layout.

PRCD said,"...Enclaving with fellow targets is the Boer strategy in South Africa at the moment. It seems like a long-term losing strategy as garrison societies usually fail..."

What choice do they have? None. Spread out they have no protection at all. Their only option long term is to leave or exterminate the Blacks. Or at lest kill enough to control them and go back to apartheid.
James     Mar 13, 2016

Thanks for all of the suggestions and links, Sam J.

Shayne recently suggested a wrist rocket, which another reader already gifted me with. My hands are so shaky that I'm better off with tension missile weapons like a bow or sling shot. I would be perfectly happy to walk unarmed in a world where non-criminals could carry guns.

the interesting thing is how well the criminals have adapted to the gun laws by using guns primarily against rival criminals and attacking the rest of us with blunt weapons, which are often not even recognized as weapons by statute and do not trigger hospital inquires by police. .
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