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With a Big F
Our Xenophobic Guest Discusses Who is Committing 90% of Violent Crime
© 2016 James LaFond
Fun fact Mr. LaFond: 90% Nonwhite Violent Crime Rate FBI
“Nonwhites commit at least 90 percent of all violent crimes in America, and the least white cities are the most dangerous, an analysis of the latest Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) crime statistics has revealed.”
That’s why "xenophobe" is such a funny insult; A phobia is of course an irrational fear of something that poses no actual danger. It’s like pest control asking if you have arachnophobia, when calling to report finding a million spiders crawling around your home…
Xenophobe would also make for a great book title!
Or "White Xenophobe"
by James LaFond
with a big F
Harken to LaFond Respond
Actually, although xenophobia has come to denote irrational fear in our own twisted English-language society the word was borrowed from the Greek, and means precisely “Stranger-Fear.” The Lidell and Scott Greek English Lexicon is a great resource for tracking the corrupt devolution of our sissy society, just by tracking the corruption of words we borrow, that change meaning to support political agendas.
Now, since almost all crime is committed against us by people we do not know, namely strangers, being a xenophobe is to be most rational. The biggest lie in law enforcement is the constant mantra that most violent crime is committed by people who are known to the defender, which points up the fact that the only crimes our society is much concerned about is spousal abuse and acquaintance rape.
Why is virtually all aggression committed by non-whites, when whites are the largest segment of the population?
That is simple:
Imagine a herd of sheep, the shepherd, the sheep dogs and the wolves [these last being the reasons for the shepherd and the sheepdogs in the minds of the sheep, which all Judeo-Christian folk—and our current brand of atheism is very Judeo-Christian in tone—are conditioned to regard themselves as, helpless, domesticated animals in need of a shepherd.]
The majority are the sheep, who commit no violence. The three minorities—with both of the canine breeds serving the purpose of keeping the flock together where it can be easily managed by the shepherd—commit all of the violence.
The value of the sheep to the shepherd is in the fleece, not killing the sheep, but shearing them. We might equate this to taxation. A lamb, ewe or ram that is afraid of the wolves and the dogs is more handily driven to the shearing—which I think occurs on April 11 for most of us.
From 1700 through 1950, the black American was a docile breed of person, more unlikely to commit violence than any whites other than Quakers and Amish, and much less aggressive than those nasty Native Americans. In fact, although blacks sat on their hands and waited for whites to free them from bondage, we are currently seeing Civil War scholarship and movie making focused on the few black Union soldiers who were victorious, in an obvious attempt to convince blacks that they have always been militant. There is incontrovertible evidence that most black slaves never fought their slave masters, never even tried to escape.
When interracial violence did erupt in the post slavery period the blacks always got the short end of it, the whites ever proving more aggressive, more effective in the use of force. After Jack Johnson beat Jim Jeffries a handful of whites were killed to dozens of blacks.
From 1900 through about 1960, there was more interracial white on black crime than black on white, and the police in urban centers made a policy of randomly attacking blacks for no reason. Whites—stupidly—used to say to this, that this was in order to keep the black from attacking whites, which proved to be the opposite. For as soon at police violence against blacks spiked in the early 1960s, black violence against whites skyrocketed, and continues to climb.
This sick nation systematically brutalized a formerly docile laboring population, in order to turn them from sheep to wolves, at the same time discouraging whites privately, at every turn, with news casts and visits from Officer Friendly in elementary schools, to not take the law into your own hands. Who of late middle age today, does not recall the constant drumbeat of news and TV crime drama declaring the impropriety if ‘taking the law into your own hands?” This is the same generation that fled urban centers in droves throughout the 1970s, 80s and 90s. People of my generation were brain washed into the absolute belief that we did not have the right or even the responsibility, to defend ourselves, that the police would do it. All the while the police where attacking and warping the minds of the new feral race, the Thug Tribe of Hip Hop America.
Now, where once tough Polish, Greek and Italian guys used to beat up blacks for venturing to find menial employment in their Baltimore neighborhood, and blacks would suffer raids from police in their neighborhood just to “set a tone” we now have the opposite, a docile white population terrorized by blacks and able-bodied white males of the lower classes constantly harassed by police for no reasonable cause.
What is amazing to me is how far palefaces have fallen. That the race who hunted the proud warrior peoples of this land to extinction now allow themselves to be preyed upon by such sissy black men, who lack the spine even to stand up to their own women, is a wretched state of being. Nine out of ten hip hop thug adults could not beat a tough twelve year old of the old school in a fight, and these wimps manage to rule these streets, largely with their bare hands and shoes, rarely even using guns? How pathetic!
I hope the Latinos come in and wipe out the lot of hoodrat and labrat masses. As I write MS-13 is beginning a machete terror campaign in East Baltimore, hopefully one day to turn these weapons on the degenerate palefaces and feral blacks of Baltimore, and cleanse the land of weaklings who so yearn to be sheered by their shepherd in return for the dubious honor of being relieved of the burden of defending themselves and their loved ones.
harm city
Paleface Enemy #1
night city
blue eyed daughter of zeus
broken dance
logic of force
plantation america
when you're food
winter of a fighting life
guest     Mar 7, 2016

Your website really makes me appreciate our own demographic picture, you wouldn't believe how White my neck of the woods here in the former socialist federal republic of Yugoslavia still is in comparison. Everyone on the national basketball team is pale faced for example, and i personally didn't see a black sapiens with my own two eyes until i was 18 or so! Before that we literally couldn't tell for sure if blacks were real or something Hollywood invented to spice things up. For all i knew, Bill Cosby was built in the same prop shop as was The Terminator. Speaking of, i did once go to Thal in Austria where Arnold was born, and drank as much local water i could, just in case there really is something special about it, you never know and it doesn't count as doping!
James     Mar 8, 2016

The Bill Cosby statement is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.
PRCD     Mar 8, 2016

"What is amazing to me is how far palefaces have fallen. That the race who hunted the proud warrior peoples of this land to extinction now allow themselves to be preyed upon by such sissy black men, who lack the spine even to stand up to their own women, is a wretched state of being. Nine out of ten hip hop thug adults could not beat a tough twelve year old of the old school in a fight, and these wimps manage to rule these streets, largely with their bare hands and shoes, rarely even using guns? How pathetic!"

This unfortunately extends to the labor market as well where white 'men' are too good for manual labor but even when they do want to learn STEM are displaced by docile immigrant labor and Orwellian corporations. The remaining whites who want to work with their hands have to compete with illegal labor and the stigma that they ended up towards the low end of the wage scale because of a criminal record or substance abuse problem.

Also, we can't manage our own wives and families. How divided and pathetic we are!
James     Mar 8, 2016

I really think that convincing one segment of society to let others think for them, and convincing another segment to let others work and fight for them, is an ideal ruling stratagem.

One thing that the southern slave masters and the northern Yankees had in common was a belief that others should do the fighting and manual labor, which would ultimately make which ever faction one the Civil War easy prey for the State, as well as being experientially separated in a very fundamental way.
Sam J.     Mar 11, 2016

"...I hope the Latinos come in and wipe out the lot of hoodrat and labrat masses..."

Be careful what you wish for. We already have enough trouble with Blacks. The Mexicans are smarter and would be harder to defeat.
James     Mar 13, 2016

I prefer a competent enemy to living under the threat of my slave-master's brutal pets. Palefaces could use a good culling.
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