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‘Less Dramatically Arch-Neanderthal’
Altrugenics Analysis by Koanicurgus and other Physiognomy Experts Determines that LaFond is Paleface Neanderthal Survivor!
© 2016 James LaFond
Okay guys, thanks, this blew my archaic mind. The site is fascinating and since I’m no Bram Stoker, but rather a Bran Mak Morn, I will have to take your word for it. The greatest compliment was the conclusion that Robert E. Howard was “Less dramatically Arch-Neanderthal than LaFond!”
Here I might quote Cory Bracken about Big Water Blood Song, my first novel:
“The best thing ever written by a Neanderthal.”
But, Cory would be wrong, for, according to these men, the best thing ever written by a Neanderthal would be Worms of the Earth by Robert E. Howard, a story of our bloody-handed ancestors.
May you crush the enemy, see them driven before you, and lay with their women where you may.
the man cave
Hauling ‘Human Garbage’
on the overton railroad
logic of force
song of the secret gardener
the greatest lie ever sold
broken dance
z-pill forever
Sam J.     Mar 11, 2016

I think this whole White people Neanderthal business is incorrect and silly. Why? Should I believe my lying eyes or guys posting anonymously on the internet? A lot of this started with Tex Arcane who is a smart guy but supposedly completely convinced he's a Neanderthal. Koanic is very smart too and how I found your site but I think he's wrong. The fact that Tex is a self confessed Aspie might have something to do withit. Don't think I hate him or anything like that I just think he's wrong. My contention is the same as Michael Bradley’s that the Jews and other tribes in the Middle East have the highest mix of Neanderthal of any group and the mix in Whites and Asians is minimal. The people reporting on 4% Neanderthal mixture INCLUDE the middle East and Europe and claim an AVERAGE. What if Whites have 1% and Jews 99% of the 4%? That's an average.

Jews look like Neanderthals. Look at the pictures on the links and then take your average straight forehead White guy and compare. If a bunch of people say a cat is a Lynx should we believe them? Even if they don't look like it?

In Michael Bradley’s books “The Iceman Inheritance” and “Chosen People From the Caucasus and The Cronos Complex” he talks about the possibility that Neanderthals with some human admixture cause the large majority of violence on the planet. Bradley is half-Jewish by the way.An anthropologist surveyed all the Neanderthal bones and found they had enormous numbers of fractures. Double the amount of all others.

Could it be the Neanderthals for all the hundreds of thousands of years they existed in Europe did nothing, and I mean nothing. very little advance at all, because they were psychopaths and the great advances of Cro-Magnum came because they had empathy so could work together while the Neanderthals were bashing each other over the heads?

Maybe the Jews are not only psychopaths maybe they’re Neanderthals. The link below has some good reading.

Here’s another site with Eric Hufschmid’s pages on Neanderthal looking people. Start with page #1.

Chapter 4. The Decline and Fall of Esau's Empire?

My basic contention is if they look like Neanderthals and act like Neanderthals then maybe they're Neanderthals.

Tex believes that Neanderthals were greatly abused by the savage Cro-Magnum who enslaved his Neanderthal kin and raped all the Women. Problem is there is no mtDNA, passed from mothers, of Neanderthals around. If Cro-mag raped the Neanderthal Women they would still be around. I'm guessing that the psychopathic Neanderthals attacked the Cro-Mags incessantly and raped the Cro-Mag Women, hence the Neanderthal genes form Men, until the Cro-Mag Men got fed up with them and massacred a whole lot of them driving them into the mountains and inaccessible areas that were least desirable.

It's fits very well with the idea that the Jews were behind 9-11. (Which they were). It hard to believe that a group could be so stupid but a bunch of aggressive psychopath Neanderthals could and did do such a thing.

In order to predict Jews behavior read the great book on Psychopaths by Hervey Cleckley, "The Mask of Sanity". Here's a chapter all should read. It's about Stanley. Who does all kinds of manic bullshit and spends all his time feeding people the most outrageous lies. Maybe it will remind you of a certain tribe. New meme. "They're pulling a Stanley". The whole book is on the web and worth reading.

James     Mar 13, 2016

Thanks for all of this, Sam, J. I'm in the midst of working on a review of something related to Esau.
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