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Hauling ‘Human Garbage’
World's Strongest Man Vows Rough Justice and is Fined
© 2016 James LaFond
“Saw this article and thought of you. More of the same really, but I this one seems more blatant than usual.”
“Stay safe out there,”
Thanks, Dylan.
This past weekend I had a discussion with a friend about the fact that police have told him that he will be arrested and charged if he hurts the people breaking into his car. It is about time that the myth of property rights died. Another friend recently showed me a text by a British friend of his who described how blatant burglars are in Britain and that the police will arrest you for hurting burglars. Now this news that a trucking company boss is fined for threatening stowaways—France deserves to fall.
Please, in whatever area of the civilized world you live, realize, that you will likely be prosecuted for harming any criminal who attempts to take, damage or use your property.
‘Less Dramatically Arch-Neanderthal’
the man cave
‘What Say You Men?’
broken dance
plantation america
honor among men
the greatest lie ever sold
within leviathan’s craw
the first boxers
the sunset saga complete
guest     Mar 9, 2016

The eureka moment for me must have been the Rotherham rape story in England, when after it broke, the first thing they did was to raid a few twitter users, not any muslims, i guess online right wing talk is worse than gang rape...

The official slogan of the EU is "United in diversity" after all, by hook or by crook, so bend over shitizen. They were just turbo integrating a few nativist females your honor, they should get a medal:

It's not any better in the US, where mere days after the Paris attacks Hillary Clinton said "Let's be clear, muslims are peaceful and tolerant people", unlike intolerant whitey. Or black attorney general Loretta Lynch, who said one day after the San Bernardino shootings that she "Stands with muslims" and how the Justice Department will take aggressive action against people using anti-muslim rhetoric.

At this point i believe those liberal do-gooders must be infected with toxoplasma gondii, a parasite known to remove a rodents innate fear of cats:

“When a healthy rat smells a cat, it flees. But rats infected with the Toxoplasma brain parasite actually follow cat odors, often presumably to their doom, red in tooth and claw. That Toxo-infected rats approach cats has long been a well-known example of a parasite manipulating the behavior of its mammalian host.”

When i see my fellow countrymen welcoming boatloads of migrants bent over, i think toxoplasmosis. Because otherwise it only leaves total, complete and utter insanity.

It’s so funny, choirs singing welcome songs at train stations

while muslim men on the trains are screaming “ala oak abar”.

If not even Rotherman is enough to stop the buck, nothing will.
James     Mar 9, 2016

I need to get me some of that nice cat toxin!
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