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The Stern Lamp
A Writer’s View of Robert E. Howard
© 2016 James LaFond
Last fall, when a reader told me that the review of By this Axe I Rule! had been reposted on a Robert E. Howard site, I was surprised that there was such a site, though I should not have been.
Recently, when Deuce informed me that I had been nominated by the Robert E. Howard Foundation I was likewise surprised. I have really continued to spend my time as I had in my youth, reading books and wondering. The ownership of Mark Finn’s Blood and Thunder—an accidental find picked up at a venue where I was working security—and of some Howard collections with introductory essays in them, are all that I have been exposed to “about” Robert E. Howard, so I am necessarily ignorant about Howard the man in comparison to most of the readers that would be interested in my impressions of his work.
Deuce just sent me four links to Howard sites, this being the only way I get around the internet, being led by the hands like a blind man by my readers.
Counting on the possibility that I shall be able to remain one thought ahead of the savages who hunt me in Harm City, and that I reasonably hope to live three more years, I would like to, in each of these years, do another Robert E. Howard book, satisfying my ambition to gather an impression of his work in its totality. It has been my ambition for some years now to review all of his work.
However, based on the links Deuce sent, I have more stuff to read about Howard than what he wrote. So I have resolved to go about this in the following manner. In between writing my own fiction and history books—which is how I approach Howard’s work, as an immersed writer—I will continue to reread, read, and listen to audio books of as much Howards work as possible. My reviews, I shall limit to a writer’s perspective, trying not to rely on what little I have read and think I know about Howard, but simply on the one thing I share with him, a drive to write.
Then, as I edit the book, I will read up on Howard, incorporate comments sent to me by Howard enthusiasts and historians, and try my best to generate a “stern lamp perspective,” of each impressionistic review in the collection, attempting to put my own recent writer’s impression into focus through the lens of existing biographical literature on Howard.
I will refer to this page of the upcoming book for online sources. So, if Howard readers might be kind enough to add links below those given to me by Deuce, it would help focus my wondering eye:
Thank you, Deuce.
Howard Links
Harm City Safari Guide
author's notebook
Shayne’s Meat Locker
the combat space
son of a lesser god
solo boxing
under the god of things
logic of steel
crag mouth
logic of force
deuce     Mar 10, 2016

The REHupa link is junk. It's been split into two links. Here's the correct one:
James     Mar 10, 2016

Thanks, Deuce.

I will be focusing on Almuric for a while. I know that finalizing my impression will require some bibliographic reading.
Tex     Mar 24, 2016

LaFond says...

"...if Howard readers might be kind enough to add links below those given to me by Deuce, it would help focus my wondering eye..."

This might be of use as well...


(one of those who was turned on to your Howard book, and your website, by Deuce)
James     Mar 24, 2016

Thank you, Tex!
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