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Black on Right Time?
A matter of life and death at the Trump rally in Chicago:
© 2016 James LaFond
Below is a report linked from an anonymous reader, concerning the Shytcargo Cult, if any readers have confirming reports please post a link or comment at the base of this article.
"I was listening to the police scanner throughout. Two people were shot in one of three separate shooting incidents. The cops were chasing a white dodge ram with temp tags, I'm unsure if they were able to stop the vehicle. There were multiple assaults happening everywhere. It came over the scanner that a group of black protestors were targeting and assaulting white Trump supporters. Rioters were stealing Trump signs from supporters and ripping them up. They were throwing bottles and rocks at police. They managed to climb the walls of the parking garage and up on the third floor were hitting cars with bats and hammers smashing in windows. Two police officers were taken to the hospital with serious injuries. They were blocking highways and side streets trying to prevent people from leaving so they could attack them. People were getting violent with police and when they would arrest someone other people would come over and attack the police. Two hispanic males shot at a firetruck. A black male was seen walking around with a handgun, description was white shirt black pants red shoes.
It was insane. Even crazier was the fact that the media wasn't reporting on any of it. You know they have scanners and the entire time I'm hearing the people on the news saying that it was a peaceful protest."
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Sam J.     Mar 15, 2016

Trump is very smart and lead them to do this. A chance for the left to attack their enemies? He knew they just couldn't help themselves. This will INCREASE his support dramatically. The Kosher owned press has been lying to us for decades and decades and every year people believe less and less what they say. So when they say it was a peaceful protest and of course people see what actually happened on YouTube and by reading first person accounts they will assume it was probably even worse than anyone says. They will realize that this business must stop and someone needs to get a handle on the situation. Who do you think they'll vote for?

My guess is Trump will win Florida but the polls are too close in Ohio so even if he wins they will steal enough votes so that he loses. You think Trump talks about poles constantly to boost himself? No it's to let them know he's keeping track if they want to steal his votes. Remember the hanging chads in Florida? All to put in electronic voting machines. Had nothing to do with the machines they had. Big set up.
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