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‘Chimping Out’
Aggression Among Higher Primates: Gilgamesh to Big Chev—Part Three
© 2016 James LaFond
Among higher primates there is a general norm of lone, horizontal aggression within the group among those males charged with applying aggression outside of the group.
Aggression outside of the group is generally of lethal intent, with examples of entire troops of lower primates [monkeys, baboons] being eradicated by bands of higher primates, with aggression between bands of higher primates primarily focused on eating a single member of the rival group, which is common among Chimps.
Once human bands have formed cooperative tribes and begin conquering other tribes, forming States, then the chimp comes to the fore of the hierarchal mind. Although most people assume that the more numerous lower classes of society prey on the less numerous upper class, it is rarely so. Within civilized societies violence tends toward the hierarchal. As an example, below are the five most common forms of aggression in Baltimore Maryland, listed from most common to least common:
1. Older teen mob on younger teen individual—hierarchal.
2. Middleclass Police officers on poor and working class individuals—hierarchal.
3. Gang enforcer on lower ranking drug handler—hierarchal.
4. Middleclass teen mobs on working class individuals—hierarchal.
5. Lower class teen mobs on middleclass individuals—heretical.
It’s looking like much more than 4-to-1 from this vantage. Note that these are all high-odds attacks, with at least 2-1 numerical superiority, augmenting the social justification of the downward aggression.
The most common form of aggression that may be viewed online are mob attacks against individuals and smaller groups, which one YouTube commentator, Tommy Sotomayor, refers to as ‘chimping out” as the behavior of these untrained youth aggressors is very chimp-like.
The second most common form of aggression posted online are arrests of individuals by armed gangs of police, which seem to be slave catching reenactments down to the handcuffs and zip-ties.
Civilized aggression is overwhelmingly downward, hierarchal, high-odds predation, featuring either gratuitous contact after disabling the target or capture and transport to a cage. Indeed, postmodern aggression in civilized society is much more likely to resemble higher primate aggression than earlier forms of horizontal civilized aggression, and of slave-taking activities formerly directed by a higher culture upon a lower culture.
Postmodern devolution to a stage beneath the hunter and gatherer primal human state, toward the behavior of chimpanzees and baboons, in what this researcher imagines is a kind of proto-human state typical of 2-3 million years B. P., seems to be a universal result of human domestication in its more advanced forms.
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