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‘God Shall Know His Own’
A Thumbnail History of Hierarchal and Heretical Violence: Gilgamesh to Big Chev—Part Five
© 2016 James LaFond
The earliest revolts against hierarchal society are well-documented in the Old Testament, with the tale most illustrative of the post-modern situation—and also, in many a way reminiscent of the story of Enkidu—being the story of Samson in the Book of Judges. A figure like Enkidu—renowned for killing a lion with his bare hands—Samson is likewise as helpless before the seductress Delilah as Enkidu was in the arms of Shamahat. Ever since this ancient period, the rulers of nation after nation have tended to short-circuit the notion of an uprising of their male subjects by first holding their women and children hostage.
This notion extended to horizontal pacts between rival nations, with children commonly exchanged as hostages, and marriage serving the same hostage-holding function, to insure compliance and the keeping of agreements. It is no accident that the State reserves the right to sanctify marriage. It is fascinating, that as the State losses its grip on this slave-making institution, due to its diminishment as a practice, that it’s priesthood has increasingly fostered animosity between the sexes. Foremost among these methods is the use of women—for whose approval men are naturally inclined to suffer and risk much—to invalidate traditional notions of masculinity, such as independent thinking, independent action, ritualized deference [such as holding a door] and the use of aggression, to the point where a man who physically defends himself against a mob of criminals is vilified as a monster, a veritable Humbaba [the forest-demon of the Epic of Gilgamesh]. The State is now, in its waning stages, so vested in emasculation as a social control mechanism that even its soldiers and law enforcers have fallen before the feminist crosshairs.
These are the pertinent aspects of heretical and hierarchal aggression, not one cult or ideology or tribe overthrowing the other. For such acts are merely the changing colors of the waxing and waning seasons of the State. The pertinent aspects of hierarchal and heretical aggression are to be found not in the gross forms such as warfare and revolution, but in the evolution of ever less physical forms of compliance, ideally evolving into a form of self-perpetuating orthodoxy—political correctness if you will.
The Violence Tree
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