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Harm City East
Aggression in East Baltimore and Domestic American Aggression: Gilgamesh to Big Chev—Part Six
© 2016 James LaFond
It is difficult to speak with people about our current urban violence patterns, which are in actual fact gross manifestations of the social will of the State. Denial and delusion blind most to the facts.
Most folks fall into the denial camp, simply refusing to believe that waves of mass attacks and serial violence by urban blacks against tax-paying members of other racial groups, in fact occur, choosing to believe that blacks do not attack people of other races at a frequency in excess of Indian raids on frontier settlements during the French and Indian War, or of German storm trooper raids on English trenches in WWI.
The balance of folks [primarily conservative blacks and radical whites on the Right] have decided that blacks are simply helplessly violent creatures who attack other peoples on sight with no provocation and for very little gain if any and that they need to be eradicated. These folks are at least able to see the reality. However, without perspective, the proposed causes and solutions [being racist] are exactly what the State wants—factionalism and the perpetuation of the violence that the State has cultivated and unleashed upon its witless subjects, who insanely believe that they control the State via their consent!
Perhaps a 90-pound woman might believe that she can control her rapist via a declaration of consent?
The voter’s belief that he has a measure of Control over his master is likewise delusional.
This statement cuts against your American grain, does it not?
I, too, am conditioned to disbelieve the truth that I have consented to my own enslavement to avoid death and being locked in a cage with criminals, yet it is so.
During the Race Purge of April 2016, in East Baltimore and Eastern Baltimore County, which was not covered by a single news story in print or on the air, and was only documented in my unread book War Drums, bands of armed black men hunted white and Hispanic people openly as the law enforcers and the media priests of the State denied that emergency rooms were filling up with purge victims and devoted their energies to the State-sanctioned riots at key locations.
To Baltimore area white people that ascribe the violence to race, it is apparent that since only blacks do this and that East Baltimore, centered upon Patterson Park, has been a place where blacks hunt whites [and now Latinos] since the late 1960s that this makes the case for an intergenerational, genetic, black-on-white primate culling urge. I even had a white supremacist friend who ventured into this park and used himself as mugging bait so he could stab a black mugger, which he did.
It might come as a surprise to those who do not know middle-aged Polish, Greek, Italian and Irish men from East Baltimore, whose fathers used to hunt blacks on the Eastside [this is confirmed by blacks of that generation], that Patterson Park was once a center of white-on-black predation. Below I will take one of the handful of examples from the oral histories I have collected.
Big Chev is a large ethnically Polish man who demonstrates an open hatred of blacks, which includes a low opinion of their physicality. This notion was born with his father telling stories about how he and his friends used to “…go down to Patterson Park and hunt for niցցers… Blacks are so week-boned and cowardly that they would just beat them up and throw them in the duck pound.”
Big Chev has confirmed—in his rather dim mind—the inferiority of blacks in combat due to some scuffles he has prevailed in over “sissy niցցers,” and “weak-boned spooks.”
Compare this viewpoint to my parent’s liberal 1970s belief [a belief formed in the wake of the 1960s race riots] who refused to let me box because the sport was dominated at the time by black men, and that black men were considered to be super athletes, every man of African descent a George Foreman, Jim Brown or Ali, which is actually culturally inherited slave-master logic. In fact, all combat sports are currently dominated by people of Caucasian descent, with only a handful of exceptions.
Chev’s father was older than mine. I was the eldest and he was the youngest as well. So while my father was running a paper route as a boy in Pimlico when it was the white suburban dream, his big, Pollack father, who was a well-earning tradesmen in his 20s, was beating the piss out of black guys who dared to get a dishwashing job in his neighborhood.
Big Chev’s dad was smashing skinny black restaurant staff for the crime of trying to earn a living, preserving the hierarchy of his day, promoting the reign of terror by the majority over the minority in a nation with an expanding economy.
Today, his son, Big Chev, is relic of a past time living out his days in befuddled ignorance, wondering how it came about that most whites are helpless sissies either living in fear of blacks—who all remain sissies in his brutal mind’s eye—or liberally denying their fear as well as the basis for it. The reason for this is obvious, for the expanding economy of the burly nation of the 1950s is now the ever-contracting economy of a sissy nation. Once it served the purposes of the masters of America to sanction a reign of fear by the majority against the minority. But in a contracting economy, the normal state of civilized affairs, in which the minority is used to terrorized the majority, has re-asserted itself. What is occurring in America, a place where the tiny plantation ruling class once terrorized a mass of white and black slaves via the bloody hands of pirates, mercenaries, Indian allies and overseers, is now resorting to the primal form of the circumscribed State.
The period in American history that spanned from the 1750s to the 1950s was one of territorial and then economic expansion, during which the unique phenomenon of majority empowerment was conducive to State interests.
So, in some ways, Big Chev’s father was one of the last bully boys of the Greater America, the America that wiped out 700 tribes to flex its agrarian muscles from sea to sea, that captured and built over 1,000 overseas military bases, that buried Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and Soviet Russia with its industrial output.
Now, in the Lesser Latter America, the bankers that own us have decided that the majority cannot be trusted with domestic enforcement, and indeed that it cannot even be entrusted with being the majority.
Major police departments are recruiting primarily among minorities and foreign nationals.
Military recruitment is now skewed toward minorities and females.
City by city minority mobs are being incited, encouraged and rewarded for attacking majority businesses and individuals. Post riot money is still pouring into inner city Baltimore for ghetto appeasement projects.
Underclass immigrants, accustomed to less, are being sought for transplantation in order to displace indigenous populations who possess a memory of affluence and who might become restive over its diminishment.
Last, and not least, is the active importation of war orphans and known terrorists by the thousands from populations recently attacked by the U.S. Military.
These are all factional initiatives to facilitate oppression of the majority. The icing on the cake, is that the majority this is being inflicted upon is the most feminized population in human history, a population that was uniquely positioned to take a continent through sex, who literally bred the tiny indigenous population into oblivion, a population that believes in its bones and blood in quantity over quality, that developed its notion of urban interaction around a ten-to-one population advantage over the minority—in other words, White America was a bully population for exactly one hundred years, that got everything it wanted from 1864 to 1964 by massively outweighing the domestic opposition.
As a fight coach and combatant, I can confidently predict, that once a bully of the magnitude of White America has been allowed to thrive at 10-1 odds for generations, and then finds itself soft and unmasked for the sissy coward that it is, that recovery will require a long, hard road, and a lot of weight loss, before the fading collective bully can be reformed into a lean, mean identity team. In the meantime, understand that the current [according to the FBI] 9-to-1 minority-to-white violent crime disparity in America is not symptomatic of a lower class uprising, but of a majority being suppressed by the minority, according to the will of its masters.
We might be 40,000 years from home, but we are still pointlessly gnawing the same bone.
‘God Shall Know His Own’
the man cave
‘Sending their Denizens Off’
america the brutal
taboo you
songs of arуas
book of nightmares
beasts of arуas
blue eyed daughter of zeus
B     Mar 14, 2016

>Big Chev’s dad was smashing skinny black restaurant staff for the crime of trying to earn a living, preserving the hierarchy of his day, promoting the reign of terror by the majority over the minority in a nation with an expanding economy.

Big Chev's dad lived in the America described in E. Michael King's Slaughter of Cities (well worth the read,) where white ethnic neighborhoods (Catholic Polish, Irish, Italian and Jewish) in cities were being destroyed by the Quaker and High Protestant elites. Why? Because these neighborhoods were a major political threat, as their populations had their own internal political institutions, disciplined vote blocks for the politicians who actually represented their communities' interests and worst of all, 3 times more kids per family than the elites. You can hear caterwauling about the Papist threat from the Eastern Protestant elites from the 1850s onwards.

The way that these neighborhoods were destroyed was through the forced importation of blacks, from the 1930s onwards (with a break from the mid-30s through the 50s.) One way was the requisitioning of private land in white neighborhoods, its clearance and the creation of projects, but this obviously required a lot of time, resources, planning and coordination. Another was to move in one black family (obviously, this would be a model family.) Then a second. know the story. Private and semi-private organizations would organize this, funded of course by the foundations. They'd try to move the first family in during the middle of the day, when the men would be at work. There was a lot of conniving from real estate brokers, who would profit massively from commissions as the whites fled.

This led to riots, so there was a hiatus for about 20 years, and then they started again in the 1950s, ultimately succeeding in breaking up these objectionable neighborhoods and sending their denizens off to assimilate in Levittowns, post-war blank cul-de-sac suburbs. Problem solved.

Big Chev's father rightly saw these blacks washing dishes as the friendly and helpful scouts and surveyors for the settling parties which would come pouring over the mountains if the former were not dealt with. They were doing the best they could to defend their families and communities.

>who literally bred the tiny indigenous population into oblivion, a population that believes in its bones and blood in quantity over quality,

Reading about the pre-1900s pioneers and settlers, I see enormous quality. For instance, Daniel Boone's family struck me as being high-quality people. The courage and gumption needed to strike westward and set up a livelihood in Indian country are certainly impressive. It's difficult for me to see the indigenous population, which apparently killed its children and old people and ate human flesh, as some sort of epigon of human quality. I mean, I can appreciate the beauty and proud bearing of a wild wolf, but I don't want to share a house or workspace with a pack of them.
James     Mar 15, 2016

Thank you, once again for a very insightful comment, B.

I will cite this in the print book.
Sam J.     Mar 15, 2016

"...The balance of folks [primarily conservative blacks and radical whites on the Right] have decided that blacks are simply helplessly violent creatures who attack other peoples on sight with no provocation and for very little gain if any and that they need to be eradicated..."

You know I actually in my youth I used to always give Blacks the benefit of doubt. I would actually still agree with affirmative action for Blacks that could prove they were here a long time and could have had slave ancestors but my attitude has changed to the above. Enough. I'll tell you the event that really turned my mind all at once. A few miles from my house is a Black public housing project. One way street and only one way in and out. All the housing lined up on one street. Somehow a 7 year old little White girl ended up there. She was carried through the project to a abandoned house on the other end of the project, multiple raped and murdered. I think of how scared that little girl must have been and the pain they put her through before they killed her. And I think about the fact that not one damn niցցer in the whole place felt any need to try to save her. Not one ever told who did it. Not a single of hundreds cared. There's no way that you could carry a little White girl through there without someone noticing and no one cared. With that kind of hatred towards Whites. That you would take out this hatred on a little girl I've just decided that I'm done with them. I could care less if every single one of them were dead. It's very much as if the Indian wars were starting up again. The Indians when ever they could would rape and massacre the Whites until eventually Whites just chased them down and murdered them wholesale to stop it.
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