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‘Sending their Denizens Off’
B and James on the Purposeful Destruction of White Ethnic America
© 2016 'B' & James LaFond
Below is a Comment from the Blog posting of this Chapter, which is very well presented, followed by my impressions of two of the discussion threads, the elite war on white ethnic America and the residually related question of the plantation-era displacement of Native Americans of the Eastern Woodlands.
>Big Chev’s dad was smashing skinny black restaurant staff for the crime of trying to earn a living, preserving the hierarchy of his day, promoting the reign of terror by the majority over the minority in a nation with an expanding economy.
Big Chev's dad lived in the America described in E. Michael King's Slaughter of Cities (well worth the read,) where white ethnic neighborhoods (Catholic Polish, Irish, Italian and Jewish) in cities were being destroyed by the Quaker and High Protestant elites. Why? Because these neighborhoods were a major political threat, as their populations had their own internal political institutions, disciplined vote blocks for the politicians who actually represented their communities' interests and worst of all, 3 times more kids per family than the elites. You can hear caterwauling about the Papist threat from the Eastern Protestant elites from the 1850s onwards.
The way that these neighborhoods were destroyed was through the forced importation of blacks, from the 1930s onwards (with a break from the mid-30s through the 50s.) One way was the requisitioning of private land in white neighborhoods, its clearance and the creation of projects, but this obviously required a lot of time, resources, planning and coordination. Another was to move in one black family (obviously, this would be a model family.) Then a second. know the story. Private and semi-private organizations would organize this, funded of course by the foundations. They'd try to move the first family in during the middle of the day, when the men would be at work. There was a lot of conniving from real estate brokers, who would profit massively from commissions as the whites fled.
This led to riots, so there was a hiatus for about 20 years, and then they started again in the 1950s, ultimately succeeding in breaking up these objectionable neighborhoods and sending their denizens off to assimilate in Levittowns, post-war blank cul-de-sac suburbs. Problem solved.
Big Chev's father rightly saw these blacks washing dishes as the friendly and helpful scouts and surveyors for the settling parties which would come pouring over the mountains if the former were not dealt with. They were doing the best they could to defend their families and communities.
> who literally bred the tiny indigenous population into oblivion, a population that believes in its bones and blood in quantity over quality,
Reading about the pre-1900s pioneers and settlers, I see enormous quality. For instance, Daniel Boone's family struck me as being high-quality people. The courage and gumption needed to strike westward and set up a livelihood in Indian country are certainly impressive. It's difficult for me to see the indigenous population, which apparently killed its children and old people and ate human flesh, as some sort of epigon of human quality. I mean, I can appreciate the beauty and proud bearing of a wild wolf, but I don't want to share a house or workspace with a pack of them.
Author’s Response
I would like to note that the charges of planned neighborhood destruction noted by B in this comment have been overwhelmingly apparent to myself and my webmaster, Charles, as we have systematically mapped every block in Baltimore City [This project is a few weeks from publication, though the map is complete.] and rated each in terms of aggression threat and habitability. With the exception of elite enclaves in Baltimore, all upper middleclass, middleclass and working class neighborhoods, which had been built with green space intrinsic or periphery to the living space, were later targeted for subsidized housing development, with every mini-park, stand of woods, or greenway being planted with barrack-style "low rise" housing, into which criminal cadres of blacks were always moved. This was usually planned in such a way as to necessitate these introduced criminal elements traversing the middleclass area on foot to access bus lines. If the plan had really been to help the blacks, a bus line servicing employment sites would have been run to the housing site.
Satellite images of Baltimore neighborhoods appear to depict occupation and garrisoning of residential enclaves by a foreign military force.
As to the Indian versus white quantity versus quality question, the Boones and other frontiersmen essentially lives the high quality life of the Indian. Their frontier forts were modeled on palisaded Indian villages. They dressed and hunted as Indians, not as white Europeans. They planted indigenous crops. They were the first prong of invasion. They were escaping into the wild away from the protestant elite we speak of, who then let loose the flood of low quality slave farmers to breed like rats and destroy the ecology. Boone did not stick around for this, but moved to Arkansas and hunted in the Rockies. Frontiersmen lived like Indians and hated the protestant agrarian model of life exemplified by the early Puritans like Increase Mather [Consider his first name, and the fact that—according to their own written accounts—Puritans abandoned their women and children during Indian attacks—justifying these actions with Hebrew quotes from the Old Testament—and that the Indians stayed and defended their women and young, and demonstrated the fatal weakness of loving and caring for their children!] whose book I must still review for the America in Chains project.
B, as a Hebrew scholar, you might find it of interest—and perhaps you know—that Increase Mather [the creep who founded Harvard]and the Congregationalists of early New England, saw themselves as the real Isrаel, and the actual genetic Jews as traitors against God, and had every intention of building a “New Isrаel in the West.” The Puritan brand of Christianity largely set the crux of the religion—Jesus Christ—aside, and played fanatically at being a non-Tribal counterfeit Jewish, anti-Jewish commune which I just think is disgusting—to hijack a tribal faith, appropriate the social artifices, declare your people the real tribe, and then reject every basic human notion of a tribal nature, such as respect for the warrior class.
So, to merge these two thoughts, I think in Boone and his descendents [Americans who believe in minimal government and reject social engineering], you have a westernized adaptation of the Indian way of life of the Eastern Woodlands. On the other hand, the modern, once protestant but now totally secular Anglo along with Anglo-Jewish [we can’t forget those nine investment bankers that raped the nation in 2008] American elite are the real descendents of the slave masters of New England, New York, Pennsylvania and the South whose answer to disobedient white ethnic groups has been, since 1621, their replacement and displacement by imported people of other races.
I realize that I have a lot of White Nationalist readers who want to blame every problem in the world on a cradle to grave lockstep conspiracy of Jews. I however, do not believe in the Superhuman Superiority of Jews over other men as many whites do. I do not believe in a Jewish Master Race, but of a master class of manipulator, who is, by his very nature, whatever his genetic origin, a race traitor and a tribe hater. This perennial urge to lay prostrated as victim before a displaced tribe is merely feminine blame assignment rather than a masculine exercise in finding cause in order to gain an understanding.
This nation was founded by two groups of men:
To the south, nominal Catholic and Anglicans who were nothing but secular worshippers of greed…
To the North, an assortment of radical protestant cults that essentially tore the soul out of Christianity in a clearly-stated effort to recreate the idea of Isrаel in a heathen land by being better Jews than the actual Hebrews.
So to the argument that everything the matter with this nation can be laid at the feet of [for example] the poor Jews of Park Heights, Maryland who the rich Jew lawyers and gentile bankers threw under the black bus when I was a baby, I would remind Americans, that when your vaunted Founding Fathers had the ambition of being better Hebrews than Moses, Joshua, Samson, David and Solomon, why look for a Jew in the political woodpile when every chunk of wood in that pile aspires to being more Jewish than the real Jew?
In this writer’s mind the question is essentially one of slave-masters and willing slaves conspiring to enslave that free portion of the human mind that remains to some of us on this global plantation—remembering that the English term plantation was not so-named for planting crops, but for planting people, which was the target crop all along—and how those few of us who believe in some form of transcendent aspect might at least keep the idea alive in the face of the soulless alternative, which, in the end, will erase all such tribal differences that we might get hung up on while our spiritual conquest is finalized.
Thanks, B, for your input. I promise to do an in depth review of the highly quotable and damningly honest Increase Mather book by next week. I’ve been swamped with writing lately and it keeps getting buried by other books in the pile.
Harm City East
the man cave
Doctor Shayne
the fighting edge
logic of force
sons of aryаs
by the wine dark sea
under the god of things
Sam J.     Mar 17, 2016

"...I however, do not believe in the Superhuman Superiority of Jews over other men as many whites do. I do not believe in a Jewish Master Race, but of a master class of manipulator, who is, by his very nature, whatever his genetic origin, a race traitor and a tribe hater..."

I agree with you on this. I certainly hate the White banker class that destroys other Whites. I don't believe that Jews are super humans but I do believe they stick together and work together much more than Whites do. In many cases this is an unconscious behavior on the part of Jews. A small group with cohesion and vigorous consistency can defeat a much larger group by concentrated attack on weak points of the larger group. This is how they prevail.

The upper class Jews may sacrifice the lower class Jews on occasion but it's always in the long term interest of smashing the Whites. The Whites response to this is basically nothing as the top Whites are collaborating with the top Jews also.

My hatred of the Jews comes directly from 9-11 and the afterward financial manipulations that will eventually sink us if not handled correctly and maybe even if we do everything right. I'm sure all Jews are not responsible for this but I'm also sure most all Jews on the planet would kill every last one of us if they thought they could get away with it. I'm not saying this lightly. I believe this. Their past behavior has been ghastly. In Russia they killed 60 million or more and have practiced genocide every chance they have had. Even when it was not necessary they still kill as many as possible.

The whole war in the middle East is to advance their interest. We were attacked by the Jews and as propagandized fools we attacked the middle East. We will now be held responsible for these many millions of deaths.

A lot of people who stick up for the Jews do so due to personal relationships. Have you ever thought that maybe this was an act to counteract their larger schemes?

James     Mar 17, 2016

I will be addressing this idea in the abstract—of a master place, rather than a master race—in Hairy Monument, a REH review.

I think that part of the gentile problem with European Jewry is that non-Jewish Europeans [I'm including Americans here] largely dispensed with their tribal culture, and the Jews did not do so to as great and extent, which causes a baseline friction. Most people think in terms of orthodox Jews and the rest. In the retail food business we find that "the rest" divides up quite a bit: poor Russian Jews, part-time Jews and fulltime Jews. Jewish run retailers go to great pains to place a Jewish manager in a store serving a Jewish neighborhood, not because they want to give Jews better service, but because they don't want the Jewish customers verbally abusing their gentile staff! I have seen Jewish customers savagely harassing staff, trying to bully them, knowing that they can always pull out the discrimination card and take the person's job, only to see them turn pale when a Jewish manager shoes up wit that ready-to-eat-my-own grin on his face. I've had a Jewish manager tell me—"Hey, if any of those rude fucking Jews give you a problem, tell them to come see SuperJew and I'll kick her ass."

Then there is Avi, who wanted to hire me to manage his store, whose gentile employees boss him around, and he was hoping I would put them in their place. Sure, with many people, they will ultimately side with blood and throw their teammate under the bus, but I've known enough standup guys who are willing to stand up to their own kind for a person they have a working bond with, that I just can't buy conspiracies at the racial level.

The specific point I was making about the Jewish Master Race, would be true, if it turns out that the entire world is being run for Jews by Jews, as many on the right assert is fact. One look at China—which will one day be the global superpower the U.S. was—puts the lie to that notion.

I have a correspondent living in Isrаel that told me liberal American Jews are coming over there to help the Palestinians win legal cases against Isrаel settlers who successfully defend themselves against attackers. I also have a local Jewish friend in Baltimore who is disgusted by the meddling, elitist liberalism of many of his coreligionists in his own congregation. My point is that Jews, like other relatively cohesive peoples in our washed-out age, are not all on the same page, on every issue on every given day. In fact, one local Jewish doctor put another Jewish doctor out of business just to get his patients. I know of two Jewish doctors who tried to put my own friend, who is a Doctor, out of business and he prevailed. He chalked it up to them being unethical backstabbers, not Jews. If the Jewish doctor across town who lost his business would have had his attitude he would be better off, not having trusted to ethno-religious affiliation for an assurance of fidelity.

There is another story in my life, of an Irish boy who was orphaned, and was adopted by a Jewish couple. His adopted parents encouraged Steve to be a Christian—a Christian missionary! He raised his sons Christian, and his father has remained a secular advisor and confident, encouraging him to find a spiritual mentor from among Irish-American Christians.

Just as I see the entire rainbow of virtue and vice behavior in the blacks I have interacted with I have likewise experienced too much nuance among Jews to believe that every Jewish baby is born with an insatiable urge to leap from the womb directly onto a mutual fund and begin defrauding investors to benefit the Gnomes of Zurich.

Now, having lost to the Romans and gotten kicked out of their homeland, and then being blamed by Catholics for killing Jesus, as well as being the only folks the Church permitted to engage in banking [which was a sin] did set the scattered descendants of the Isrаelites up in a necessarily manipulative position, with enough of them overplaying this hand to get plenty of non-involved Jews—such as shoemakers, for instance—slaughtered in European uprisings throughout the Middle Ages.

I really don't have much interest in this nagging subject, and personally find the materialism implicit in all of the Middle Eastern religions irritating [including the one I was born to]. But, we should not forget that European elites used Jews as tax collectors and money lenders for about 1,000 years. Sam, that is a recipe for some major bad blood.

Thanks for all of your comments.
Sam J.     Mar 17, 2016


The Jews have something very wrong with them. They've been thrown out of every single country they've gone to in any numbers. Every one. That says something very deep that must be accounted for. They say it's because they love God or that every one is jealous but plenty of people love God and there's lots of rich successful people all over the planet. Notice that it's rare that the whole entire countryside raises up in an complete, almost murderous anger and throws them out all at once yet this has happened to the Jews many, many times.

There's a very simple explanation for why the Jews are the way they are and why they act as they do. The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. Not all, maybe not even the majority, but a large number. All of the Jews ancient writings are nothing more than a manual for psychopaths to live by. The Talmud is nothing but one psychopathic thought after another. The Talmud “great enlightenment” basically says that everyone not Jewish is there to serve Jews. All their property is really the Jews. No one is really human unless they're Jews and their lives don’t matter. A psychopathic religion for a psychopathic people.

They've been thrown out of every single country that they've been to in any numbers. Psychopaths having no empathy themselves can only go by the feedback they get from the people they are exploiting. So they push and push to see what they can get away with. The normal people build up resentment towards them. Thinking “surely they will reform or repent” like a normal person who does wrong. Of course the Jews do not. They don’t have the mental process for reform. Then in a huge mass outpouring of hate for the Jews, fed up with the refusal to reform their behavior, they attack and/or deport them. In this stage of the cycle the Big/Rich Jews escape and the little Jews are attacked.

Start over.

Even if it's wrong if you assume the Jews are a tribe of psychopaths you will never be surprised and Jew's behavior will make sense.

It's considered evil to be a WN but I'm a WN not because I believe in some super White man crap. I could care less about lording it over the Jews or Blacks. I don't give a damn what they do. Over time when you see that no matter what you do you will be attacked by other groups the only solution is to band together with your group and run the bastards out. Keep them away from you. As I mentioned before most of the violent tribes in the Amazon HATED to live in the big villages with the total dick heads that ran those villages but if they moved to a smaller village they would be attacked and killed by the larger ones. The Jews and the Blacks both are always fucking with everyone else. If they some day find themselves in deep shit they only have themselves to blame. They do not regulate their own.
Sam J.     Mar 18, 2016

I fully understand your opinion and I fully understand mine does not sound rational to you or many others. I still stick by it. It came from long, long, long consideration.

Notice I said "not all and probably not the majority but a lot."

I'll try to restrain myself. After all it's your blog and I know you feel different. However I hope you'll keep your mind open, observe and see if what I've said doesn't eventually ring true for you also.

One other comment as an abstract idea. How much brain volume does it take to have strong empathy? Ever had extremely strong empathetic emotions towards a hurting child, an animal in distress or others misfortune in life? Could the lack of empathy give you say...10 IQ points higher of raw computing brain power? Just a thought.
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