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'Just my 2 Cents'
Notes on Destroying White Ethnic Enclaves by S.S. Sam
© 2016 James LaFond
One of our numerous bright Sams sent me this.
In your article ‘Harm City East’ the comment by “B” mentions a writer, E. Michael King and his book on the destruction of ethnic enclaves during the 1950’s.That writer is actually E. Michael Jones, a very articulate and prolific writer with a traditional Catholic worldview. He publishes a monthly magazine, ‘Culture Wars’ which I’ve been reading for years. I recommend him highly. I’m not religious or a Catholic so am not proselytizing, but his explanations and comments on religion and culture are spot on. His work on explaining the use of blacks as the avant garde of revolution in this country is right up your alley. There are a multitude of topics he has covered that would interest you.
Just my 2 cents,
Sam, the one from S...S...
Thank you, Sam.
For the readers here are the links I can find for E. Michael Jones which seem to bear on B’s commentary:
‘Sending their Denizens Off’
guest authors
Blackfeet Tribe
broken dance
z-pill forever
the fighting edge
the year the world took the z-pill
the greatest lie ever sold
shrouds of aryаs
america the brutal
Mesc Franklin     Mar 16, 2016

It was all those damn Wasps I tell ya! And those liberal hippies!

The only solution is conservative values..and free markets and muh military fighting Putin!
James     Mar 17, 2016

Mescaline, we live in a nation that thinks conservatives are right wingers. What can we expect.

Until we are living under Sharia law the Left just won't get it. That is why I am so fascinated about some of these European nations getting swamped right now. These are useful experiments.
Nero the Pict     Mar 16, 2016

I have just contacted my librarian for an inter library loan of the aforementioned tome....Amazon's price is a little too rich for this regent (189$ will buy quite a few lap dances from the Ginger Haired maidens of the Susquehanna Valley).

Sounds pretty interesting.
B     Mar 17, 2016

The thing I found valuable about E. Michael Jones was his thorough documentation of the post-Quaker/high Protestant elite alliance's consolidation of power against their obnoxious white ethnic cousins through proxy warfare.

As for the man's ideology, it's retarded. White supremacy (in the American sense, not the 19th century European sense) is retarded when it's preached by Protestants from North Idaho. The Catholic spin he puts on it is more retarded. You don't cure cancer by giving the patient AIDS. As bad as America run by post-Protestants is, I can't help but notice that mixed-race Catholic nations are invariably much worse.

In general, the only way you can run a Christian nation in practice is by ignoring half the stuff Christianity has to tell you and standing the rest on its head.
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