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Sean “Kid Sexy” Pregent
The Indie Wrestler Who Crashed an Old School MMA Tournament
© 2016 James LaFond
In 2002 Chuck and I were training at a martial arts school that was going under, and decided to stage a tournament to raise money and keep the doors open: 4 events, $100 prize for each winner: Stick, Fist, Boxing, Submission. We had each of the instructors that were young enough signed to fight. I spent almost a hundred hours promoting this thing, selling tickets for $30. We barely had enough fighters to make it fly and this kid from the Washington D.C. area signed up for all four events and the martial arts guys all quit! The wrestler and both of us stick-fighters were okay with mixing it up with Sean. But once these martial arts experts and the football player saw that a 241 pound man who listed himself as a pro wrestler was in, they let the school fold without throwing punch in its defense.
Four years later I promoted an event at this same location after it was reopened under another owner and raised $1,600 for Saint Jude’s and got side-kicked into the third row by Aaron Seligson in my final round of the marathon event.
Sean came to Baltimore to train and then joined the Army. I have not heard from him in 12 years. He just spotted the following article I wrote on him and dropped me the attached e-mail.
Sean had some balls, one of the fighters that did not dropout, Mark LaFond, was a monster shoot wrestler with 100s of matches, and he was willing to cross sticks with me without ever having picked one up. He’s always been an example to me of the fact that just bringing it is generally enough to get the rest of the men to submit.
“Thank you for your blog. It is now 2016. I got hurt at Fort Benning, Ga. & came home then in 2004. I went back to wrestle for 1 year and called it quits.
“Since then I have been doing music still, under the name Kid Sexy. I have 5 CDS out on iTunes etc. & I am all over the internet as kidsexy === music Google search.
“Call my friends # to contact me because I just moved & I don’t have my new phone #.........his name is Nick. You can call us anytime.”
“Your life-long pal, Sean Pregent”
Kid Sexy, Who Convinced 3 Martial Arts Masters to Trade in their Black Belts for Panties
‘Ass-Kickin’ Good’
video reviews
‘Kill Them All’
night city
under the god of things
plantation america
winter of a fighting life
menthol rampage
z-pill forever
fiction anthology one
your trojan whorse
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