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When Labrats Attack!
The New Emasculation Paradigm in White Suburbia
© 2016 James LaFond
The whiggers are back with a thirst to be as feared as the black hoodrat heroes of urban myth and media legend. Why be a standup, old-school redneck when you can cock that fitted hat sideways, quote Kid Rock or Eminem and pack up with other savage pussies to cover your sissy self with the patina of manhood?
Recently Greg, who is a loud mouth, a dick and a little obnoxious when he gets drunk, but is not known to beat people up and has no street cred as a badass or any such type, but simply a trash talker, was at the Emerald Tavern, a sports bar in Baltimore County where Mescaline Franklin and I have shared drinks before. While at the bar, Greg said something complimentary about the appearance of a woman, who happened to be there with her boyfriend and his three buddies. All parties were 21-23, in a bar that usually caters to a thirty something crowd.
When Greg went to the men’s room all four guys followed him in and beat him for perhaps five minutes. I saw the photos of his face and it was bad. He had not been punched much, mostly having his face smashed against hard objects and scraped on walls.
When I was a young man coming up, there were one solid difference between white guys and blacks, and every black guy and every white guy would tell you how it was. White guys would fight you straight up, but black guys would always gang up on you.
The manner of Greg’s beating is one of many recent indications I have seen that the functionally absent white father in suburbia and the lionizing of black men as the masculine standard is beginning to rot the Caucasian soul in adolescence, producing white youth who are increasingly indistinguishable in behavior from their sainted and underprivileged counter parts from the media’s preferred racial group.
Love and Karma
harm city
Nice Nick
the first boxers
your trojan whorse
winter of a fighting life
menthol rampage
song of the secret gardener
plantation america
guest     Mar 22, 2016

We are stuck thinking brawls are some sort of Olympic discipline and how anything not resembling a duel between respectable gentlemen is somehow unfair.

That's why hipsters see the police putting someone "only" holding a knife down as an offense against sportsmanship, the trooper didn't even count down to ten before firing, nor did they shook hands, sacrebleu!

Whitey is struck before even slapping anyone with his glove...

Maybe there's an article in this self imposed handicap of naivety?

And it's the same here across the big pond, there is no such thing as mano a mano with gypsies or muslims... with them you have a blood feud on your hands before you know it.
Nero the Pict     Mar 22, 2016


White boy/whigger mob attacks are certainly not a new phenomenon. I spent my teenage years in the Perry Hall/ Parkville Iron Triangle of wannabe poseur pale faced hoodrats. I was a target of whigger pack attacks more than once. Mainly because I was a pedestrian afoot in an area where every kid had access to a vehicle . This especially held true because unlike most of those SOB's I worked and often did so til fairly late in the evening making me a prime target.

Its been about 23 years I can still recall at least three separate instances where I was jumped by raiding parties that consisted of a car or two filled with surly little palefaced bitches. Eight on one type BS. Never got seriously hurt (mild concussion maybe once). A testament to their bitch factor.

The degeneracy extant in white suburban America had already taken its foot hold at least two decades ago. A goodly number of my brethren lived in families in which the father was estranged and young men (myself included) in these situations lived in homes where a single mother was raising the young men or the mother had remarried and there might be a stepdad in the picture. Biological fathers served as friends, gift givers and a method by which mothers would get an income boost via the old child support check. They were everything but fathers.

Many of my tormentors were drawn from the ranks of fatherless homes. However, many were not.

In the past you have made reference to raiding parties of middle-class black youths and I see a clear analogue with my pale faced Hip Hop costumed enemies. Those kid's had all of the outs, the disposable time, the income and if need be lawyers to duck all but the most serious of crimes.

I could get into the irony of most of those shit bags hating blacks while dressing in the 90's equivalent of blackface (Hip Hop fasion as transmitted by MTV) and listening to rap etc...but I will save that for another time.

So that little boot party of four young men who beat Greg down are just following a precedent set when most were a year or two old. Likely earlier in other areas like Hawthorne Dundalk or Middle River.
ebd10     Mar 24, 2016

Growing up on the East side of Detroit, we learned that, when someone moved on you, you stomped them hard and made sure they stayed down, regardless of color. Usually, once they discovered that you were willing to send them to the hospital or the morgue, they would run. The secret was to immediately escalate beyond what they presented.
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