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Nice Nick
A Few Notes on Real Gentle Giants
© 2016 James LaFond
Recently I told the brief story of Nick, being robbed at gunpoint by another black man on his way to his poverty-level job. In retrospect, I considered this event, which was related to me by Nick’s boss, who phoned in the account—a conservative white man who wants to make sure that this crack pot lets his readers know that his black help is preyed upon by black criminals. I know the feeling.
I would like to say a little more about Nick here. The first thing you would notice about Nick as that he is a big, big guy, six-four and 370.
The second thing you would notice about him is that he, like most really big black guys, is, in fact, a gentle giant. Those that are not gentle go into working in contact sports and security and law enforcement. For this reason, on the surface of it, Tiny Teen from Yo Town Illinois was assumed by many blacks around the country to have been a gentle giant upon first hearing about the shooting and hearing those two words, so often used in the ghetto. And, as their liberal slave masters know, once stupid emotive people come to believe a thing in a moment, they will rarely part with that belief, particularly if their life experience is in line with that belief.
First of all, let’s speak of big guys. Big men are usually less aggressive than small men as adults. One need only follow boxing to note how rare hyper-aggressive big men are, and why they are such a terror when they emerge in the heavy ranks.
In the white community big men generally have little experience with aggression, as they get bullied but rarely by their peer group as they come along in age-ranked classes and then go home to friends and family.
In the black community school is never the focus of childhood life—simply a temporary prison stay, preparing them for a life in and out of such institutions. When they go home they are ignored, rejected and brutalized by their mother.
There is no father—this being the crucial accomplishment of liberalism in America, the generation of a fatherless 13% that might look to Uncle Sam as their Daddy.
Now the child is living on the street, where as many as thirty kids to a block mill around amongst youth and young men from drug gangs. These are un-parented children and youth ranging in age from 5-17. What happens in this setting to the extra-large boy is he is brutally beaten by older girls and older boys as he is used for practice, and to break him into a lackey stooge for corner work, just being marked as a potential meat shield.
Out of every four big boys you can generalize and say that this produces one of each of the following type with regularity:
1. Timid, emasculated teddy bears like Nice Nick who walk with down cast eyes and mumble.
2. Obedient, emasculated, beta males who follow the lead of the smaller more aggressive men and women who take control of their life and who will only participate in group attacks, or to “defend” their violent wife/mother/girl/sister and not with enthusiasm.
3. Big emasculated, nerds, geeks and good boys who get as far away from the black community as they can and associate with whites as much as possible. Many gravitate to private security work in passive roles and to sedentary activities with other racial groups. The ones that stay in the black hood that conform to this type will typically get into bootleg clothes, shoe and DVD vending and make an art out of making friends and not making enemies.
4. Big psychopaths like Mike Brown, who, if they have brains go into sports or work as doormen at strip clubs, and if not, end up being meat-shields for drug gangs. Note that in Mike Brown’s case he was led into the situation that got him killed by a smaller, older, experienced criminal.
So, the myth of the “gentle giant” is based on fact, and is generally a rule to live by in bad places, as long as you keep your eye out for the exception—because that dude is bad news.
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