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Portrait of the Paleface Enemy
White Washington Post Reporter Laments Black Criminal Gunned Down After Burglarizing House in Liberty City
© 2016 James LaFond
“Didn't we see this guy in the Hamilton Tavern?”
-Mescaline Franklin
Yes, he was the ski-pro from Utah with the short, snitty boyfriend.
Unfortunately, the reactionary that wrote the article below, about the liberal who wrote a Washington Proletariat article condemning some old, greedy, white bitch for unjustly shooting an innocent, unarmed black youth—who was understandably in the process of challenging the injustice of white privilege so often expressed in property rights, for the very pressing purpose of getting high—does not get it.
Paleface, the sun has set on your Race’s age.
Leviathan has chosen a more compliant tool than your morally-grounded, dutiful ambition, your perverse sense of liberty and property rights upheld by a third party.
Make room!
Seriously, the reporter deserves to be staked out for the zeeks based on his hipster appearance alone. But he is simply doing his part to promote the will of the machine that owns him. He’s a good slave. If you have a problem with him, your answer should not be the slave’s answer of demanding that Master fix the injustice he is promoting.
It does not matter that he is of European ancestry. Race traitor-vilification is meaningless. All that matters is what race is being targeted in this cycle of Leviathan’s enormous lifespan. It does not matter what ethnicity the commissar was who put you in the gulag. What matters is that you are in the gulag. Thus the value of race-traitors and other turncoat ideologues is that they serve as red herrings to direct the attention of the target group away from the machine that is gearing up to grind them to dust and encourage the doomed tribe to cast stones at one another as the gods turn their ire earthward.
It works every time.
One useful aspect of this story is that we see the purge command structure in action. When black mobs attack people of other ethnic groups, the person or persons behind the anger are always white. The enemy is untouchable. Their commands are given to the mobs by white media figures like this. If you are a paleface who wants your children to be safe in twenty years, then this media creature is the face of the enemy, promoting the will of our unseen masters to the animalistic mobs of urban—and increasingly suburban—America.
On the African Slave Trade
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