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The Dysgenic Angels
Forget Britannia, The Statue of Liberty, Wonder Woman, Hera of the Shield, and Nike—Because Harm City Has These Whores!
© 2016 James LaFond
Last spring, at about this time, my youngest son and I were leaving my place of employment, a supermarket, after buying steaks for breakfast. As we stepped out on the parking lot he said, “Good God, are you kidding me!”
I looked up to see three local welfare celebrities with legacy brood in tow, zooming along in a flying wing formation in three scooter chairs, the little electronic engines wound all the way out like the rotary engine Manza my best friend bought in 1978. All having the same maternal last name, their food stamps and EBT cash break on the same day, and off to market they would go. They zoomed at 10 MPH in their Mammy State thrones, with a clutch of little albino hoodrats running along behind them, reminding one of the apobates, ancient Hellenic soldiers who held onto horse stirrups and chariot rails as they ran alongside their masters and finished off fallen foes…
These women shop regularly at that location and are rude to the staff, treating us as ill-mannered servants—and I suppose we are.
These degenerate Caucasians have a matriarch. Grandma seems to be about 60, five feet tall, with close cropped bowl cut white hair, a pot belly, and a very Down’s Syndrome look to her face.
Mom #1 is in her late thirties and has some younger teens—fat girls already—scurrying behind her. She is the very spitting image of her mother, only weighing in at around 200, rather than 150, and has black hair.
Mom #2, whether she is a younger sister or a granddaughter, is unknown. She is about 21 years of age, also identical in facial appearance and equally mean to staff, but with bleached blonde hair, and weighing in at around 300 pounds, flowing over her throne, and causing her to have difficulty keeping formation, with Grandma on point. The smaller children scurry behind her, fat already at about 4 to 8 years.
Who is impregnating these hideous, retarded whores?
My point is, since the Welfare State has co-opted the Old Testament notion of being fruitful and multiplying for its own depraved purpose, the very welfare system itself seems to be geared towards producing increasingly dysgenic dependents. This is exasperated by the fact that the line of descent—being European—which has produced most scientific principals, the most conquerors, and the lunar landings of a previous age is now experiencing the lowest birthrates other than those among the most successful [in terms of innovation] Asian nation, Japan.
Is there a self-destruct mechanism in the human being that causes those populations that achieve far beyond the dreams of primal man, to dwindle, become degenerate, and even adopt anti-natal views, even as the least upward and outward looking types breed with the banal fury of rodents?
In much of his writing, Robert E. Howard conformed to the view that humanity rises from and falls back into cruder forms in cycles. My question is, could this be an inhibiter, a biological break on preventing our willful ascension from this garden of the disgraced?
Portrait of the Paleface Enemy
harm city
‘A Testament to their Bitch Factor’
advent america
time & cosmos
logic of force
night city
graphomaniac archive #1
z-pill forever
Riley     Mar 23, 2016

White people are the third-smartest type. We caught the world unawares and at lower stages of development, and for awhile we had our way. Someone said that empires rise wearing boots and fall in silken slippers. To me that is a cycle, and I agree with Proffessor Howard on that. IMHO this thing was best explained in a book from around 1996, The Fourth Turning, a co-authored book by I forget whom.

As for the biological rev-limiter, well, deep shit. See your future in the squalor of the South African trailer park slums filled with Afrikaners.

There's a nice possibility down South I and mine have found, won't say where, do your own research, but it should be a for-now safe place to watch the Northern horizon become amazingly colorful. As for the motorized welfare retardohos, they would be dropped down an enemy's well and their speckled offspring enslaved by the church.
James     Mar 24, 2016

Nice to hear from you again, Riley.

From boots to slippers indeed. What do you think these chicks wear on their feet while shopping!
Sam J.     Mar 24, 2016

"...My question is, could this be an inhibiter, a biological break on preventing our willful ascension from this garden of the disgraced?..."

That's very deep. Could even be true.

The Fourth Turning is very good stuff and probably right. Another cycle is the Ice Age. Maybe coming to you shortly. For 2 million years we've had 10,000 years of warm and 90,000 years of cold. It's been around 10,000 years and the Sun has shut down. The last time we had so few sunspots there was a huge freeze. The Thames freezing over. George Washington crossing the almost frozen Delaware?

I think these guys ran things before the ice age ended.

Buried with lots of normal skulls. Slaves?
Ishmael     Mar 24, 2016

The fourth turning, William Strauss, Neil Howe, In my library, great read.
PRCD     Mar 25, 2016

"There's a nice possibility down South I and mine have found, won't say where, do your own research"

The thing I've noticed about slums is they tend to grow near the equator. I'm taking my chances in higher latitudes where you die when the power goes off.

The counter-argument is Detroit which is cold and still became a black slum, but it's shrinking unlike the rest of the world's slums.

I agree that the future in general looks like South Africa. The Afrikaaner slums are nowhere near as violent as the black ones though. The Boer has been around for a long time and we probably haven't heard the last of him. He just needs to throw off the yoke of his eternal enemy, the English (who are the United States nowadays).
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