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‘A Testament to their Bitch Factor’
Nero the Pict on Whigger Mob Attacks in Harm City
© 2016 Nero the Pict
White boy/whigger mob attacks are certainly not a new phenomenon. I spent my teenage years in the Perry Hall/ Parkville Iron Triangle of wannabe poseur pale faced hoodrats. I was a target of whigger pack attacks more than once. Mainly because I was a pedestrian afoot in an area where every kid had access to a vehicle. This especially held true because unlike most of those SOB's I worked and often did so til fairly late in the evening making me a prime target.
Its been about 23 years I can still recall at least three separate instances where I was jumped by raiding parties that consisted of a car or two filled with surly little palefaced bitches. Eight on one type BS. Never got seriously hurt (mild concussion maybe once). A testament to their bitch factor.
The degeneracy extant in white suburban America had already taken its foot hold at least two decades ago. A goodly number of my brethren lived in families in which the father was estranged and young men (myself included) in these situations lived in homes where a single mother was raising the young men or the mother had remarried and there might be a stepdad in the picture. Biological fathers served as friends, gift givers and a method by which mothers would get an income boost via the old child support check. They were everything but fathers.
Many of my tormentors were drawn from the ranks of fatherless homes. However, many were not.
In the past you have made reference to raiding parties of middle-class black youths and I see a clear analogue with my pale faced Hip Hop costumed enemies. Those kid's had all of the outs, the disposable time, the income and if need be lawyers to duck all but the most serious of crimes.
I could get into the irony of most of those shit bags hating blacks while dressing in the 90's equivalent of blackface (Hip Hop fashion as transmitted by MTV) and listening to rap etc...but I will save that for another time.
So that little boot party of four young men who beat Greg down are just following a precedent set when most were a year or two old. Likely earlier in other areas like Hawthorne Dundalk or Middle River.
Thanks, Nero. The 80s and 90s were big on whigger pack attacks as they tried to imitate those they worshipped. The worst one is documented in When You’re Food at the pier by the Korean War Memorial. I noticed over the past ten years a sharp downturn in this, and am wondering if the recent mob stomp of Greg at the Emerald Tavern was an anomaly or a sign of a new imitative surge of aggression by labrats who wish they were hoodrats.
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