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Cheese Pizza To Go
Setting the Tone in Harm County
© 2016 James LaFond
The location may be viewed via the link below.
Click on the location and look at the “street side” tip, which notes that this 7-Eleven is ‘called ‘The precinct’ for a reason”
The 7-11 that is the hub of the neighborhood in Baltimore County that I am currently studying for my Hoodrat Propagation Thesis has recently been targeted for low intensity warfare by the fool soldiers of the Mammy State.
Note that aggression ideally does not involve a definable criminal act. The following is similar to the U.S. Army sending a brigade of cavalry to the Mexican border in 1848 with the hope of it being attacked and generating a winnable conflict.
Four youth entered the 7-Eleven and ordered a pizza. As the youths loitered and discouraged other customers, who waited as the owner prepared the food and only one cashier was on hand for paying business, they exuded arrogance.
When the pizza was ready, the four innocent, unarmed, black youth exited, laughing.
No crime was committed.
When—after however many times the owner goes through this—and he decides to refuse the youth service, then he will be accused of committing a federal hate crime.
The building of antagonism and the cultivation of a sense of injustice—no matter how shallow—is at the root of adolescent aggression, which tends towards confrontation in early encounters and escalates to socially justified predation later. In the case of urban American blacks, progression beyond adolescent social behavior does not begin until well after age 40.
‘An Enterprising Business Model’
harm city
‘He Di’n Do Nothinz!’
song of the secret gardener
songs of arуas
menthol rampage
broken dance
fiction anthology one
the greatest lie ever sold
within leviathan’s craw
let the world fend for itself
Sam J.     Mar 27, 2016

Here's where the problem lies. I bitch about the cops overreacting but I also believe that if you don't want someone in your store then you should be able to tell them to piss off. I guess it's my lingering Libertarianism. However I fully cognizant that Libertarian values are a complete befuddlement to the hood and they are just not capable of living that way.

You know someone ought to open an armored store in the hood. A display covered with thick bullet resistant glass, with a roller ball selector. They select what they want, put the money in a tray and they get their goods in an armored box. Just don't let them touch anything, get in anything or get around anything. Put a microwave defense device on the front and bake them if they cause trouble. I'll bet someone does this some day. No one will like it but they won't have a choice as no one else will sell to them.

I bet you could buy a brick store cheap and the front would just be steel. How much could you save if you didn't have to display items and had no theft??? Maybe even make it walk up and drive through to cut back on parking space. It could be 24 hours and you vary the number of employees in the store by time of day demand. If they were locked in and protected you could probably get a better quality employee as they knew they wouldn't have to deal with the zombies.
Bernie Hackett     Mar 28, 2016

Sam, when I was on the street for various insurance companies in the ghetto, that was what most streetcorner stores were like.

The boostable merchandise was behind a plexiglass or bulletproof glass wall, with a turnstile thru which the money was passed, and the goods then passed back.

At least one insurance sales office (on North Ave.) was the same.

Otherwise, there was a security guard by the front door, to discourage the bolters, whilst the high theft items were behind glass, mesh, on in a cage.

I'd usually figured out where I was before entering the store.
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