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How Can We Help Blacks in Baltimore?
A Concerned, Privileged, White Woman Asks the Renowned Bleeding Heart Author
© 2016 James LaFond
“I would like to know how we could possibly help the black people in Baltimore City acquire a good decent life, with education and prosperity.”
You must understand that black American culture can and has devolved rapidly as they have 15-year generations, to our 30-year generations, which are essentially based on the welfare state paying single mothers to remain single. The children see almost none of the thousand dollars a month ear marked for them, most of it going for cigarettes, liquor, hair, nails, tattoos, drugs and steamed shrimp for the mother. As long as the Welfare State is in place we will have this violent, urban decay.
Since removing welfare is not an option, politically. I would suggest welfare reform along the following lines.
1. No single parent may receive welfare benefits. Both parents must be married to receive welfare.
2. Welfare will be dispersed like so:
3. The mother will receive subsidized housing vouchers or residency in a state housing unit.
4. The father will have the right to cohabitate unless a court orders a separation.
5. No cash benefits will be dispersed, only food vouchers issued by the Department of Agriculture, in the form of an expanded WIC program.
6. The father will receive the food vouchers.
7. Clothing and book vouchers will be issued every August, with the clothing vouchers going to the mother and the book vouchers to the father. No branded apparel will be eligible for purchase with clothing vouchers.
8. All members of the family will receive free mass transportation vouchers.
9. Provisional stipulations for parentless children will include an order of care succession, including churches.
10. Parents on welfare would be required to attend community college or labor on public works programs.
Patsy, this is the best I can come up with, and, since enabling black Americans to rise up from the bottom tier of our society is not in the best interest of conservatives or liberals, there is no way a rational welfare system could be implemented that would not immediately be gamed by politicians to build voting blocks or satisfy donors.
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guest     Apr 5, 2016

It's the same here in Europe, you have gypsies and muslims with their litters living in actual villas for free, because every additional little sand monkey qualifies them for a bigger house, and of course more direct financial aid, it's like winning the jackpot, and then some. You couldn't afford rent for that very same property if you had several jobs, let alone one miserly minimum wage job. Such job would literally decrease you standard of living severely, talk about perverted incentives.

We shouldn't even call it welfare, there is nothing altruistic about it.

The most appropriate and correct term for transfer payments to blacks would be danegeld, which was a tax raised to pay tribute to the Vikings, to prevent the land from being ravaged.

Because that's what you pay, Negrogeld, so they don't loot and burn down cities, at least not completely.
SidVic     Apr 6, 2016

Its hard to come up with a strategy of dispensing benefits that encourages the man-woman household. Who wants to pay into a situation where healthy deadbeats are living off their woman's benefits?

Something that might be remotely possible...

Birth control implants for any one on benefits. You get off the dole it is removed. Seems reasonable. The analogy is supporting your down-and-out sister. Many of us would do it. Few of us would allow her to lay about all day screwing, smoking dope and pregnant. Is it unreasonable that one would insist on birth control?

I would also provide free tubal ligations with a 5000$ cash payment. Before you dismiss this idea, just consider the types that would sell their reproductive capabilities for a couple thousand.... you could make it 100,000$ and it would still be a bargain.
Sheppard Clarke     Apr 8, 2016

SidVic: Amen!

Guest: Kipling wrote a pretty good poem about it:

James: Re #10:

This was actually a big success for the unemployed during the Depression.
Charles M     Apr 9, 2016

Bring back tarriffs.

So long as the business community enjoys a free market here, they'll take their labor sourcing elsewhere. And that's the source of the problem. Money leaves hands, and never comes back.

If there's high-paying jobs all around you (1940s, 50s, 60s, i.e. high unionization rate without free trade agreements) then there's a real option. There's no better living than welfare + drug money... because there's nothing else. But that can be changed if real jobs come back.

If homeboy can make 50,000+/yr with a high school diploma, and these jobs are plentiful (like they were for decades) then it's an entirely different story.

Get your shit right Lafond.

PS Required to attend community college? Who's paying for that?
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