I'm optimistic about the fourth world, but know in my heart that the price to get there will be huge, much blood and suffering. I will be there or I will not. For some strange reason this gives me peace!
PS: Have fun riding the bus, oh my.
Whoa, whoa, Bro! This cannot be. Hopi Indians were conservatives, not liberals, who thought that women wearing men’s clothing would be a sign of the end times?
Thanks for this, Ishmael. I had forgotten the women’s clothing aspect of the myth—among other fascinating details—and it made my day!
DudesHopi legends are part of who/what we grew up with. Women wearing pants, men wearing dresses.... Hell eat enough peyote and smoke enough "southern US tobacco" and visions will happen on demand. Don't even have to hit the remote button. Better yet, come to Freeattle and watch the zombies predict the future. None of that spooky stuff allowed on the Liver Eater trip... Comprendre' Ish? You and the Hopi keep it on the rez down home.
Shayne, I will be the epitome of self control, but you won't have any fun!