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Chore Boy
The Moral Complicity of Conservative America
© 2016 James LaFond
I have written much of how the American Left, the liberals, have undermined society—particularly the masculine virtues of Western society—in the name of a greater good that they claim is moral rather than material, yet is utterly an expression of decadent materialism. Libertarians might call such bad results “the soul-tax due to the God of Unintended Consequences.” But to look at the liberal Left I see intent, intent to destroy manhood and free will and see nothing unintended about it. A few weeks ago, discussing politics past with an older man, I had to restrain myself when he referred to William F. Buckley as “representing the American Right.”
Ever since then I’ve been wondering if what reamins of moral America would give me a clue as to the method of indicting what passes for the Right in America. Yes, the liberals, the Left, the Democrats have intentionally destroyed the residual ethos of an older society which was based on building and have replaced it with a society based on destruction at every level, with the targeted destruction of the nuclear family ushering in an age of fatherless brutality.
The night before last I walked into work to clock in and saw the annual sorrow story that is the countertop quarter donation board for Saint Jude’s Children’s Hospital, featuring Baby Joshua recovering from blood cancer. The board has been pillaged by local dope fiends and the taped-in quarters have been ripped out, every minor theft caught on security video. Then, when I enter the dock to unplug the tow-motor, I see what every grocer who enters a receiving area sees when his eyes falls on the outgoing boxes of damaged merchandise: boxes of Chore Boy brass scrubbing pads, which are ripped into by the fiendish claws of the inhuman creatures known as crack-heads for the buffering of their make-shift pipes. 20% of this product, designed for cleaning kitchenware, will be destroyed on the shelf by crack-heads, a toxic parasite directly engineered by the American Right, in its wrong-headed drug war.
As drug addiction proliferates among the lower class of the majority ethnic group as the young of a politically correct nation whose hopes have been outsourced attempt to numb themselves with drugs designed to survive the Drug War, their very existence serves as a crutch for the Left. From the point of view of someone who hates civilization the fact that the dispossessed must seek designer intoxicants rather than natural compounds in their bid to escape the insanity of the Mother State is confirmation that the Right and the Left are simply two arms of the same obscene, mind-screwing organism.
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