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Is Yo Serious or Is Yo Delirious?
A Clarion Call for Bruthidarity from Justin W. R. Justice
© 2016 James LaFond
Reporting from the front lines of the war on whitey, I must stop, put my hands up, say don’t shoot and then remind you retarded nigglets that y’all ain’t supposed to be banking bruthas en sistas but jus’ dem white devils. Nigga, how difficult can it be—they glow in the dark, Yo!
Read below—and between the lines—of the White People Times Police Blotter.
1. At 6:30 p.m. on April 1, a known suspect and four unknown suspects [meaning a nigga he knew and four niggas he didn’t know] knock on the door of this bruthas’ mammas’ apartment while she out slaving for White Daddy, invade and beat his ass.
2. Early on that week, on the 29th, three a you young hoppers—one with a knife—run up on this young brutha en try and rob him, en he runoff into the arms of some white store owner and those fools run off. The point is, if this had been a white boy, his slow ass would have been caught en these dude’s a robbed him. But now, not only do these hoppers have to pick on a brutha, they can’t catch his scared ass!
3. And last, Dillon, a brutha, even though his White Daddy-worshipping mamma named him like a white man was riding his bike home from work and three young bruthas attempt to rob him, to which he said, “I’ll give you my lunch receipt. I can’t even afford a bus ticket yo, and I’d appreciate keeping my I.D.” So the brutha is cool about it and no harm is done. But that could have been a bagged polar bear, a successful hunt.
Y’all needs to get on the same page even though your young asses cain’t read! At least stand together!
-Justin W. R. Justice
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