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‘The Restructuring of Society’
The Biggest Scam In United States History | G. Edward Griffin and Stefan Molyneux
© 2016 James LaFond
If you have not heard of the fractionary reserve system this video is a low-friction entry. If you are a Peak Prosperity reader or Zeitgeist viewer the scope of this subject is known to you. If not you should view this. If so, pay attention to the pop-up menu at the top of the screen which gives links to more specific videos and enjoy all of the nerdish details about how the executioner’s hood was pulled over our great grandparent’s head as we were sold into slavery generations before our birth.
One early crusader against central banking was Andrew Jackson, who will one day pay for this sin by having his face removed from the $20 bill issued by the monster he hoped would never rise again—or was that the punishment and will his ultimate post-mortem vilification equal the freeing of his shackled shade?
A book that explains how this fraud is committed is Confessions of an Economic Hitman, reviewed here: Our Pound Of Flesh
‘Break out the Natty Boh’
video reviews
‘Pampered Toy Dogs of Victimland’
advent america
solo boxing
blue eyed daughter of zeus
the first boxers
orphan nation
dark, distant futures
book of nightmares
guest     Apr 10, 2016

Just wait until they ban cash, it will be like forced collectivization back in the Soviet Union.

But instead of collective farms, too big to fail banks will manage it all.

We will no longer really own anything, because:

“When you deposit funds in a bank account, those funds are no longer yours. You become an unsecured creditor, or lender, to the bank. Many people mistakenly believe that their account balance shows how much they own. This is not so. Instead, it shows what the bank owes you. You merely hold a claim on cash.”

True ownership will be once again confined to the managerial nobility...

Which makes me think how blacks already live in a parallel socialist legal entity, for them it's like living in the USSR, most everything is de facto provided by the state.

How many percent, would you say James, of blacks earn their living working in the legal private sector? Is it even 10%?

My rough calculation is that around 30% of working age black men are in prison, 30% are on the dole, 30% have government quota or aa jobs, leaving only around 10% or less in the real, legal economy. What's your quick math on that?
Ishmael     Apr 10, 2016

James, I explained this to my one of my bosses 2 yrs ago, he was 54 at the time, He called bullshit, so I pulled it up on the Net, he rarely reads. So much for staying informed and well read, this is one of the major reasons for our decline. Gutenberg tried to bring intellect to the masses, so be it, the death of critical thinking! Praise be, let there be ignorance.
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