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‘Reverting to Type’
Guest Author Lynn D. and James Discuss African Descent
© 2016 Lynn D. and James LaFond
One of your recent posts has a list of policy suggestions that I have forwarded to my congressional representatives (haha). One of the items is that at least part of the benefits need to go to the father. This suggestion has been made by another crackpot I read here:
Unfortunately, that crackpot died a few days ago. He was a college professor and seemed like a nice guy, Henry Harpending. His writing partner, Greg Cochran, yet lives and is a big Robert E. Howard fan. These two predicted that modern humans carry Neanderthal genes long before the discovery was made, among many other interesting and accurate predictions and observations. Cochran seems to think the African Bushmen may not be technically human.
Harpending spent a lot of time in Africa and wrote a little of his experience, for example here:
He gives an example of a fairly matriarchal sub-Saharan African group. His writing and other sources lead me to believe that our own beloved Africans are reverting to type, with welfare benefits standing in for the ease of food cultivation in Africa, contrary to northern latitudes, where hunting is required for survival and farming requires heavier labor, making men the main bread- (and meat-) winners. I think the period between slavery and the civil rights movement represents a time when European lifestyles were impressed upon Africans, contrasted with the post civil rights era, when the African lifestyle is praised and encouraged through public policy.
This is a good story about his experience hunting a cape buffalo, perhaps relevant to your upcoming western adventure:
Congratulations on your Baltimore mapping project, I hope never to need it!
I am interested to see your comments as well.
Lynn D.
The Cracked Pottery of an Opinion
Thanks for this, Lynn.
I will respond before reading the links and read them afterward as I’m interested in the divergence of opinion between myself and the authors linked above. I’m hoping to find something in these pieces to expand my understanding and may review them separately in the future.
One place that we really cannot generalize about ethnographically is Africa, as there is a wider genetic range among Africans than the rest of the world combined, which has something to do with the Bottleneck Event caused by the Toba Super Eruption 74,000 years ago. We also have to be careful about considering our African Americans, who came from West Africa from Angola to Nigeria, but mostly along the Gold Coast. If we look at this portion of West Africa we find one nation, Dahomey, that had a form of Matriarchy, similar to what my black friends call “the White Daddy government” in which black women have the upper hand in the black sub culture because they have been granted a monopoly on raising young men, are the conduit for government subsidies to their community, and enjoy preferential treatment for criminal activity compared to their men. A co-worker of mine recently went to a wedding in Jersey, where her cousin, a woman who was recently released after doing five years for murdering her husband, was getting married to her next victim.
In Dahomey the king had a lousy army of poorly trained, fed and motivated men, who melted before the French Foreign Legion. His body gaurds—5,000 amazons—fought well, for they were not only the king’s elite bodyguard, but his harem as well. In addition to the privilege of pleasuring the king, these women could take wives and head households.
If there is more of a propensity to accepting this false matriarchy—which is really a centralized patriarchy—among people of direct, recent African descent, perhaps it has to do with the fact that men have always led explorations. Women may sometimes lead nations to war, but men are ever the explorers. Therefore, populations who managed to escape Africa—no small feat as it involved transiting the Sahara—would be more patriarchal at their root. However, the majority of African cultures are intensely patriarchal, especially in East Africa.
As for the bushmen or !Kung, previously known as “Cappoid” for their unique hair, and whose women have additional labial flesh and increased fat storage capacity in their rear end, they dominated Africa for most of the last 20,000 years, and were only gradually displaced by the black tribes after Malaysian seafarers introduced the yam and iron working [which was also introduced from Egypt, earlier but to less widespread effect] around A.D. 500. Eventually these people were driven into the southwestern portion of Africa where they were caught in a vice between the Bantus, the Dutch, and later the Germans in Namibia, who all hunted them like animals. These people had managed to adapt to desert conditions without camels and other livestock and suffered much from the introduction of the horse and camel into the Sahara. I have only read three books on the Cappoid race and wonder about much more than I can recall. They seem to be the real life counterpart of Robert E. Howard’s fantastical Picts, a race apart who saw civilizations rise and fall and still managed to hang on—though their days appear to be close to an end. If a comet hit the planet, though, next week, for instance, I’d put them in the front running for being around when the next ice age waxed wroth.
As for the astonishing level of violence among modern African Americans compared to others, the fact that the white elite deny it, and the underlying reality that most of the black violence targets peaceful blacks, all I can determine is that the people heading our ship of state want black violence—including black-on-black violence—to continue. So, although blacks seem to act more violently under the same circumstances as other types of people, we can't take the European influence off the table yet, as African Americans yet live under the thumb of, study at the knee of and rage at the command of, upper class Americans of European descent.
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Sam J.     Apr 11, 2016

"...So, although blacks seem to act more violently under the same circumstances as other types of people, we can't take the European influence off the table yet, as African Americans yet live under the thumb of, study at the knee of and rage at the command of, upper class Americans of European descent..."

Your flat out wrong about this. There's loads of evidence that they act violent where ever they are. Early European explorers commented on the savagery of Blacks. I think the only reason you say such a thing is it's been so smashed into Whites heads that we're the reason Blacks act how they do that it's difficult to get out of our heads.

I read a article by a guy one time who had a pit bull for a pet. He was told over and over that they weren't really mean before he bought it. It was all in how they were raised. The dog was raised from a puppy with the greatest care. It nearly took the head clean off his child. Tore the scalp off anyways. Blacks are like they are because...that's the way they are and White people are just virtue signaling if they think there's anything they can do to change this. Certainly we could soften Blacks behavior a little with massive intervention but they'll still be what they are.
James     Apr 17, 2016

Yes, Sam J., under every circumstance blacks are more violent than others in social settings—but not in combat settings. In the gym and on the battlefield they tend to lack vigor. This fact speaks to a cultural, learned element.

The type of violence we have right now is not just a case of a violent genetic or cultural seed, but of deliberate social engineering by the white elite. The black family has been systematically destroyed and, other segments of the population have been systematically persecuted for resisting black violence effectively.

I will make a prediction.

If the welfare state continues to grow, we will see feral whites, produced by current mud shark welfare divas, erupting in flash mobs.

My point is, that while the liberal white elite educate blacks to hate whites, make certain that sons are not parented by fathers, and specifically command them to rage in specific acts, and then glorify these crimes as uprisings, we cannot assume full agency on the part of blacks, for they are acting as a servile mob as assuredly as the mob of Rome did.
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