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‘Everything Has Went to Hell’
Grandma Chin-Jab: The Laundromat Encounter By Don Rearic 2003
© 2016 James LaFond
“I thought this was a interesting article you might like.”
Don is a Baltimore martial arts writer I have not met, but who had some kind things to say about my second book. We have a mutual friend by the name of Lenny, and I was thrilled to have this little piece of oral history forwarded to me by Ronald. I do realize that the myth of female passivity and nurturing goodness is iron clad and that these virtues are now being sold as the only behavioral template suitable for New Age men. But anyone who has spoken to women of my grandmother’s generation knew different. Yes, my mother’s generation is all daisies and oppressed minorities needing the patronizing hand of White Daddy and Mammy America, but the women who have a memory of life before universal servitude sung quite a different tune from the easy living scions of the 50s, the spoiled brats of the 60s and the guilt-ridden moral-dead of the 70s.
Check out Don’s take on a woman of America Past, before they were all either whimpering rabbits or screeching parrots.
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