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Wacsh You Gonna Do!?
I Paid Fo It!
© 2016 James LaFond
Hoodrat news flash!
Have you wondered why black men are so unhappy?
3:30 p.m. in the afternoon.
At the Ghetto Grocer a very fine looking black woman was shopping with her good looking black man in new fitted cap and sneakers. He was asking "like a sissy" for yogurt and his slave mistress went off!
She was up in his face, chest to chest, in a fighting posture.
"You pussy-ass mothafuca asking for some Hello Kitty yogurt. [the 4-pack strawberry, kind, a hoodrat favorite] You ain't nothin' but a child, not even a man. You ain't even a man muthafuca."
The man said, "Girl. I'm gonna be goin' back to jail."
She responded in a thunderous tone, "Then you be callin' you mammy, not me."
At this point he was smacked and his gold grille cut his lips. He stayed quiet, as the black female customers and staff laughed and made fun of him for being "a pussy" and she ranted, over and over and over again, "I paid fo it! Wash you gonna do!? Nothin' thas wacsh you gonna do cause you notin' but a pussy. You ain' even a man!"
The white women that heard this were surprised that he did not hit her and were convinced that she was trying to get him locked up. The white women thought he behaved admirably with self control, while the black women thought he behaved like a "sissy" and that the female was correct, that since she supports him and pays his way she can do what she wants, including "busting his face" as one older black woman put it.
The men remained silent—even the security guard kept his silence as the ebony queen of this emasculation nation waxed wroth in her indignation.
This is the End of Masculine Time, which will hopefully implode and usher in a new age of manliness.
‘Don’t Let Me Beat You Down’
the man cave
the fighting edge
the first boxers
fiction anthology one
your trojan whorse
the greatest boxer
the combat space
guest     Apr 17, 2016

Off topic, you will like this:

And sorry to repeat myself, but how many percent, would you say James, of blacks earn their living working in the above ground private sector, is it even 10%?

My rough calculation is that around 30% of working age black men are in prison, 30% are on the dole, 30% have government quota or aa jobs, leaving only around 10% or less in the real free market economy.

What's your quick math on that? Thanks!
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