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In the Shadow of the Tower of the Lie
The Anniversary of the Death of Freddie Gray in American Media Myth
© 2016 James LaFond
As people rally around the Freddie Gray Empowerment Memorial to advocate everything from an increased minimum wage to the reduction of police powers in relation to African Americans, a scholar of black history is interviewed by the Baltimore sun and declares a perfect parallel in the death of Gray in the 1964 case of Vernon Leopold, who was shot down by drunken Baltimore City Police officers.
"Witnesses got attacked. There were deliberate efforts to discredit the entire 'Negro' community," says Marvin L. "Doc" Cheatham, further muddying the hateful waters that have congealed into an unyielding lie around the death of, and subsequent unrest surrounding the death of, crack dealer Freddie Gray, the signal martyr of the black power movement that is sweeping the country.
We all know the hard substance of the myth:
Freddie Gray was avenged by protestors who attacked and defeated the police in open battle. [fact]
The mayor called off police and watched while 150+ buildings were looted and set on fire. [fact]
A curfew was put in place and enforced by national guard and military contractors. [fact]
An unprecedented quantity of heroin and crack cocaine was shipped into West Baltimore during the unrest. [little known fact]
The litany of unreported grim facts remains entirely secret, with their omission from the social narrative serving to sketch in the shadow of the looming lie. The genius of this lie is that it is one in which no lie need be told. In the grand tradition of American History—which has totally obliterated the 200 year history of mass white slavery from the historical narrative—the scions of Baltimore have crafted their own masterpiece of misinformation by omission.
-All across Baltimore City and especially in Eastern Baltimore County, whites, blacks, Latinos and Asians were systematically hunted and beaten [and in a few cases killed] by terror squads of black men armed with bats, gas cans, litters and bricks.
-As the police hunkered down to defend the mayor and a single food store, the Race Purge, announced by black students on social media and now erased from the historical record, went into full swing.
-A single emergency room doctor handled 14 broken legs arms and heads of white men who had been clubbed by black mobs. Not a single of these cases triggered police inquires, as no gun or knife wounds were reported.
-While white men were beaten for the crime of being born Caucasian, white women were pursued by rape-bent mobs, two of whom were rescued and brought to my attention by heroic black motorists—both Christian men in middle-age.
-Ever since, residents of all races in Baltimore City and Eastern Baltimore County have been being attacked with impunity, and the crimes intentionally misreported by police and the media to avoid charges of racism.
-It is now rare to find a city or county block without two for sale signs on the lawn.
As my head spun with the facts that the world believes the lie that there was simply a righteous protest for a martyr, and that there was no riot, and certainly no purge, I decided to go for a walk at 6:45 this Sunday morning to clear my head for better subjects, subjects that might not be entirely suffused in socially acceptable falsehood. I walked out onto White Avenue, out of an ancient orchard house, headed east toward Harford Road. Ahead of me were two black females, walking together, one on the walk, the other in the gutter, politely making way for our mutual passage without any of the aggressive posturing and threat that normally accompanies such a simple act as passing another person on a Baltimore sidewalk.
As the pleasant crispness of the morning brought to life the new day, two doves cooing in the pine behind me as a crow cawed from the crest of the massive oak to my left, and the broken glass under my boots ground on the patchwork concrete and asphalt sidewalk, these two young women in sneakers, sweat pants, and hooded sweatshirts approached and passed me, never slacking their conversation, which, at this point was simply a monologue by the broad-faced, light-skinned girl of perhaps twenty years, who was on the sidewalk and met my eyes without malice or kindness, in an empty matter-of-fact recognition of our passage. What I heard of her monologue was this.
"While we was waitin' on da amblance the poleese came and waned ta know what's up. I told them that I was up in da house jus' chillin' wit my boyfriend when dis otha nigga come to da door en wanna fight his brutha en have a knife..."
Currently there is an epidemic of black men stabbing other black men, part of a four tier system of aggression: firearms being used in turf wars against gang members, knives being used against black men, firearms being used for robberies and holdups against all citizen types, with large numbers and empty hands [equated with innocence in Baltimore] being used against whites. Beneath the Lie of Urban Innocence is a highly structured reign of terror that has closed businesses at dusk and which sees the door to an occupied Baltimore Area home kicked in each and every day, with such home invasions falsely reported by the caretakers of the Lie [the police and media, who work in tandem] as burglaries, robberies and assaults, if at all.
All the while, as each new day dawns, The Baltimore Sun newspaper—a relic from another age—lands upon my doorstep, pronouncing lie upon lie, not in dark ominous tones as some monstrous mind engine should as it grinds our souls into oblivion, but spouting sunny economic forecasts, extolling the moral superiority, victim-virtues and racially-weighted woes of the Black Martyr Community and utterly declining to admit that the put upon saints of the city are beating old ladies in their living rooms and swooping down on lone pedestrians at nightfall—announcing in their way the fall of a far greater night, the Dark Age of Lies.
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