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Caramel Cruel
Driving Miss Degeneracy
© 2016 James LaFond
A story from an Uber driver.
Paddington is an Englishman of Nigerian extraction who drives an Uber car in Baltimore. Yesterday he related the following Friday night drive story.
An attractive young lady, wearing very little clothing, who he thought was dressed in a manner that reminded him of a prostitute, insisted on sitting in the front seat with him. She then went on to regale him about the fact that she had a regular boyfriend, who well knew, that at this very moment, she was being driven across town to have sex with another man.
Paddington was fairly disgusted and was becoming increasingly critical of his decision to drive an Uber car in Baltimore. Earlier that night he had driven woman to a housing project and found she had passed out drunk in the back. He nervously spent a half hour attempting to wake her as "groups of big black men" walked by, regarding him and the woman with interest.
He was further disgusted by the level of detail this college age woman was willing to go into as to the particulars of her upcoming tryst. Eventually—finally!—he pulled up to the destination and the eager boyfriend was waiting his lady love. As if to be certain that this man would also have cause to stew in a well of jealousy, the girl then embraced Paddington most suggestively, told him how much she had enjoyed his conversation and then left him with a longing touch.
Have you ever wondered why so many black dudes are stabbing and beating each other?
Just as black women enjoy raising children to hate the police and then direct them to fight the police, so that they can spend all of their welfare on hair extensions while Junior is in Juvenile Hall, black women also love to see men fight and die for their attention. There are many reasons for never dating black woman, and this is probably number one, because she is going to start seeing you while living with another guy and is going to tell him all about you.
In the Shadow of the Tower of the Lie
harm city
dark, distant futures
let the world fend for itself
orphan nation
logic of steel
crag mouth
song of the secret gardener
solo boxing
shrouds of arуas
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