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The Event Horizon of its Own Collapse
Death of the West
© 2016 James LaFond
“I suspect you'll get this.”
Jim is one of the dozen or so readers who contact me with links to things I should be looking at. I do not surf the net. Basically, people like Jim, Mescaline, Sean and Ronald constitute my editorial board and I go where they point the way—the police dog of irony I suppose.
I have long believed that giving women the vote would eventually result in a hive mind society. This feminist matrix may well crumble in the face of something like Islam, earth changes or the bad math of the fractionary reserve banking system. I’m not buying all of this theory. But, putting women in charge will always result in an inward-looking and implosive society, as men are the explorer gender that reaches outward and upward. If this theory postulated by Black Pigeon is correct the invitation of patriarchal aliens into matriarchal western nations is nothing more than the rape fantasy harbored and suppressed by most women—who really just want to be secured property—writ large.
I totally disagree that Islam is hyper-masculine. In fact, Islamic men are almost usually sissies on a face-to-face level. Their militaries have always sucked. Their combat athletes amount to the poorest stock—generally less worthy than Christian soldiers or atheistic jocks. To be a hyper-masculine man is more like being an old style American frontiersmen or an American Indian, a guy that leaves a domestic corner of the world for his woman to play in, but does not let her rule him and his actions. To an utterly emasculated Western male, Islam might seem like a state of hyper-masculinity, but is not. Likewise, black men in America are thought of as hyper-masculine by neutered whites merely because they have been raised by black women to be aggressive bitches as opposed to how white boys are raised to by passive cocksuckers. Yet another sign that Western Society is thoroughly emasculated is the fact that white men—even on the masculinity front—now see tribalism as largely expressed in terms of gathering superior numbers, as opposed to the ancient ideal of tribalism serving the more potent cause of cohesion in the face of adversity.
the man cave
‘Such a Man’
masculine axis
the greatest lie ever sold
orphan nation
songs of aryаs
broken dance
crag mouth
Sam J.     Apr 19, 2016

Here's short video that covers civilization decline and Women. Don't miss. I saved this into my big ideas folder.

The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

Here's one more big idea. If you look at these two links you've fairly well covered the basics of the decline.
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