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Into the Eyes of Medusa
The Website that Ate My Day
© 2016 James LaFond
Yesterday, after attending an impromptu wedding, I turned on this computer and decided to write directly on the back of the site. My internet home page is my own website. I cannot abide the world’s depraved pop-culture smacking me in the face and need to get directly to work once the writing seat is taken. Then, to my utter horror, I was looking at the MSNBC home page, a carefully contrived package of woven lies prepared for my beguilement.
Simply the momentary effort that it took not to get sucked into this yawning news cycle and fight the titanic battle of wills necessary to remain an outlier in a hypnotized never-never land drained away my mental energy in total. I am not exaggerating when I say that the Micrοsοft update hijacking of my screen by this evil media entity banished my creative muse and my analytic process in one glance. The many readers that have wondered at my ability to write more than normal might wonder a little less after this admission. It is extremely difficult for me to order my thoughts and pursue research when faced with a daily kaleidoscope of bent, twisted and warped facts, craftily arranged to deceive us by dedicated professionals, a mental minefield that beckons negotiation or clearance.
With some help from a fellow moral outlier I managed to banish this hideous beast from the portal that has become the very window of my mind’s eye at the cost of a rare afternoon of writer’s block, for this virus-like attack on my computer at first eluded my slim skill set.
Here is to looking away when the false-haired hag of modernity brays.
'Far From the Disapproving Gazes'
site reviews
‘The Measuring Hand’
the greatest lie ever sold
on combat
the lesser angels of our nature
the gods of boxing
within leviathan’s craw
let the world fend for itself
the fighting edge
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