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‘Fifty Sticks’
The Truth About The Race War
© 2016 James LaFond
An excellent aspect of Molyneux’s treatment here is the pointing out that character references of the person the media sides with are sought and the person who the media sides against is utterly alienated, with the media not seeking character references for the person being lynched in the media. Stefan’s usual attention to detail, works very well in this study of how the media uses its influence to form an emotive response from the population and move the enraged population to acts of violence or compliance.
This is not just a recap of the resent race cases in the media. Stefan goes into the history of American Government interest pitting whites and blacks against each other, particularly the mature form of American chattel slavery which held blacks in bondage and forced poor whites to act as unpaid slave-catching police at the same time that the very existence of slavery drove down the price of labor and kept most whites poor.
The fact that communism killed more than 11 times as many people inside of Russia than the Nazis killed Jews during WWII kind of puts the former Soviet menace into perspective. Of interest, along these lines, is the fact that Nazis recruited black soldiers during WWII by using photos of whites attacking blacks in U.S. riots.
I love the KBG agents posing as KKK members and Al Sharpton’s protection racket! There is a lot of dystopian nerd fodder here. Enjoy.
Stefan’s closing message here is probably his best in recent years and it won’t get through. Still, it was well-delivered.
‘Whistle While You Work’
video reviews
‘The First White Construction Worker’
uncle satan
the lesser angels of our nature
into leviathan’s maw
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the fighting edge
within leviathan’s craw
america the brutal
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