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‘Right on His Ass’
Nelson on Indexing
© 2016 James LaFond
“I like the way this dude explained this. What do you think?”
Ronald, this is the absolute top bare-knuckle coach out there. He is a Dempsey style power-line coach and I reviewed some of his video a few years ago. If you are going into Amateur competition or boxing for fitness, Jason Van Veldhuysen is the guy I like. But if I’m about to enter into a Big Negro back alley fight, this is the dude I want in my corner. I highly recommend all of Nelson’s videos, especially his crossing the center line video.
Indexing is the term Nelson is using for the boxing foul known as measuring and the weaponry technique known as checking. This is what you use the jab for in the ring. But, if you are an Ali, and do not have to worry about your opponent’s jab, going to the measure is a sound tactic, albeit a foul in boxing. Remember, that boxing fouls are fouls because they are effective with minimal training.
You tall guys like Armando, Sean, Joey and Ronald, remember the bent arm indexing, and keep in mind that it translates well into the wrestling cross-face or sprawl.
Since the most common current price one pays for whooping a punk’s ass on the street is to get stabbed, make sure you recall that that indexing hand can be slid to shoulder, elbow and wrist to check that knife draw.
Do recall that Vietnam Tom, the Epic Beard Guy on the Oakland Bus, who punched out Yo Amblance used indexing.
The fourth method he goes over is how an old slug like me would stick to some string-bean punk and put him down.
Note that he is checking either the head and punching the chest or checking the shoulder and punching the chin. Incidentally, this is how large, successful unarmed combatants [door men, for instance] have often prevailed in bare knuckle situations.
Here’s to “taking away his real estate.” This is what you don’t get from the martial arts people, the reality of pressure and the context of combat.
I love this guy.
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Ronald     Apr 22, 2016

James in my teens a 20s I was in numerous street altercations basically what this man is talking about along with a hard right hand served me very well and info like this is hard to come by that's why I think fellows like this and you're self are important for young men interested in self defense to look aND listen and study thanks ronald
Fatmanjudo     Apr 25, 2016

I found this guy about a year ago and his videos are all excellent. I also like the punch professor. Daniel has a good article on the mui Thai site which explains the Dempsey drop step and there is a great video on using your head for greater power generation. You should do videos like Daniel does. Put some of your meathead students to use. Nobody but old dudes like myself reads anymore. Maybe with videos you can get some young female groupies instead of middle aged fat guys reading your articles.
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