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‘Hard-Edged Views on Race’
City Paper’s Wandering Eye by Vanilla Smith
© 2016 James LaFond
This link is from a while back and was just sent to me by a local reader. I find it fascinating that a white liberal would even give me this much press. The caveat is a must if they want to keep their writing gig. And yes, I was targeted for death by a platform member of BASH Baltimore Area Skin Heads in the late 1980s, who hired 4 members of the Wasted Youth Belair-Eddison street gang to do me in—upon which the idiots got high, stabbed the wrong guy, who beat them up, and then were sent respectively to the hospital and to prison, where they where those two were dealt with by Arуan Brotherhood members, who also hated me for giving preferential hiring to blacks and firing whites, but decided not to do me in because I was a breeding white who stayed with his wife and child and all their daddies had left their mommies…
Check out the all-surveying eye of the bleeding heart of the Left via the link below.
‘Ever the Frontiersman’
site reviews
‘Knowledge Weighs Nothing’
solo boxing
menthol rampage
graphomaniac archive #1
the greatest lie ever sold
taboo you
the greatest boxer
when you're food
by the wine dark sea
PKok     Apr 23, 2016

Hey, I have been reading this blog like a knowledge crack fiend for the past 2 days, and I have noticed that you call the State the Woman. I was wondering if you could elaborate on this, and also on how a rogue man (be he black or white or other) can make a living in this mess without supporting this mess or having to bite his tongue on his real opinions.
James     Apr 23, 2016

I cannot take the credit for the State as the Woman. Our reader Jeremy Bentham originated that. I do agree that the State does tend toward a feminized social matrix as the endemic conditions of being female beg for domination and the State is all about dominating.

You must go into business for yourself, a business that does not entail hiring employees but rather contracting your services.

Or, you could just not make money like me!

Continue to use an alias whenever voicing opinions on a site like this!

I would recommend my book Taboo You, which is available in various versions including an e-version on this site. It is a manual for being a defiant man.

Good luck in your endeavors, Sir.
B     Apr 23, 2016

I thought your wife was black?

BTW, the AB is led by a couple of Jewish guys, I believe (obviously, non-religious):

My feeling is that it was founded as a way for non-black and Hispanic prisoners to avoid a fate of slavery and predation, but what do I know?
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