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Hatred Has a Price Tag
Best Selling Print Books to Date
© 2016 James LaFond
I am proud to announce that being the most reviled writer I can be has earned me per annum what I use to make per week freighting the dairy case at East Point Metro. Really, I have pissed off more emasculated, liberal, secular, materialists than I could have hoped and have made enough cash to buy 2 copied of each book I publish and go to the dentist twice a year. I originally began print publishing for the sole reason that I could not afford to print out everything I wrote into manuscript form. Now, the $500 per year that I used to spend in paper, toner and binders has turned into a $300 dollar gain after buying my author’s copies.
Thank you for your support.
James, 4/25/16
The Top 17 Titles
1. When You’re Food, PB [also #1 e-book]
2. Taboo You, DEG [also #2 e-book]
3. Don't Get Boned, PB
4. Dark Art of an Aryаn Mystic, PB [1]
5. American Fist, PB
6. The Greatest Boxer, PB
7. When You’re Food: Raw, FA
8. The Gods of Boxing, DEG
9. Alienation Nation, PB
10. Shorn of Little Sissy Things, PB
11. The First Boxers, DEG
12. A Hoodrat Halloween, PB
13. Organa, PB
14. The Consultant, DEG
15. Menthol Rampage, DEG
16. Stillbirth of a Nation, PB
17. Take Me To Your Breeder, PB
PB =Punch Buggy Books
DEG =Dark Eyed Girl Books
FA =Forever Autumn Press
1. Was pulled from publication with 19 copies in existence.
‘Put Your Bitches in Pusspective’
the author in print
The Truth about American Slavery
search for an american spartacus
the first boxers
into leviathan’s maw
logic of force
honor among men
on the overton railroad
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